DIY SE KT88 / 6L6 / EL34 / 6CA7 Tube Amplifier - DIY AUDIO …
2014年9月10日 · A DIY Single-Ended (SE) Tube Amplifier Project that is compatible with KT88 / 6L6 / EL34 / 6CA7 tubes. A 6N1P dual triode is used to drive the output stage. DIY Audio Projects
KT88 Stereo Schematic and help - diyAudio
2012年2月7日 · 4.3k is recommended for a kt88 in a conventional push-pull output stage with fixed bias running Class AB1, but the OddWatt is none of the above (except for the kt88 part). The OddWatt design uses a somewhat unconventional output stage. …
KT88 amplifier - diyAudio
2022年1月16日 · I stumbled upon Bob Cordell's KT88 amplifier presented in Linear Audio. I really like this design and I decided to give it a go. He uses the kt88s in pentode mode and I will use them both in pentode and ul mode.
记一款KT88推挽放大器制作日志·中 - hifidiy
另一个是国内一烧友制作KT88推挽机的DIY作品。 这套件的电路,前面讲了,是4级放大;4路输入选择;音量控制是带马达的遥控方式;后级功率放大能在三级管接法和超线性接法之间通过继电器切换;另外,栅级负偏压的监测调节也是4路切换。 总之,各种小板很多,仅供电电路的布线就够喝一壶的了。 老法子,先把电源部分弄起来吧。 首先先布好4只KT88管子的灯丝线。 原厂的电源高压滤波部分是这么处理的,个人不太喜欢,准备调整一下。 用环氧板制作了一个横条,利 …
DIY 12SL7 SRPP / Push-Pull KT88 Tube Amp - DIY AUDIO …
2009年11月30日 · Design and construction of a pair of push-pull class-A, Ultra-Linear Mono Block Tube Amplifiers that can be used with several different power vacuum tubes including EL34, KT77, 6L6GC, 6550, KT88, KT90.
KT88 Valve Tube Amplifier Single-ended Amp DIY KIT from ... - diyAudio
"This diy kit need professional skill, it only with diagram, without the step by step manual." Most folks with experience would be able to wire it just from the schematic. But if I were you I would print out a picture of the completed wiring and make it as large as possible.
DIY KT88 + 6SN7 push-pull Amp / Part 1 | Jkx@home
For a single channel, I need 2 tubes, 1 bias power-supply, a highly regulated power supply and a phase shifter .. For the tubes, I decided to use some KT88. In fact, a friend give me a spare matched quad of NOS (plain old) Gold Lion tubes + the needed output transformers so .. This tube are really great for the HIFI. And they look really great !!!
Single-Ended (SE) KT88 Tube Amp Schematic - DIY AUDIO …
2007年6月22日 · Choose a good quality audio output transformer with a 5k primary and rated for at least 10W. With various KT88 amplifiers we have had good results using the new production JJ KT88 Blue Glass and Genalex - Gold Lion KT88 tubes. The photos below are of Bernardo's DIY Single-Ended KT88 Tube Amplifier following Mikael Abdellah's schematic.
KT88 SE DIY Tube Amplifier Build - YouTube
A step by step build of a single ended KT88 Stereo DIY tube amplifier. This is based off the popular Kegger/Abdellah/Blueglow build with a twist, using a pai...
记一款KT88推挽放大器制作日志·上 - hifidiy
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