Roof top tent - DIY - Scratch build | Expedition Portal
2013年2月24日 · Decided to do my own roof top tent from scratch. Collected ideas from various posts around and little more thought process and started with this build...
DIY Roof Top Tent using 80/20 - OVERLAND BOUND COMMUNITY
2018年1月7日 · A friend of mine and I were joking about 80/20 DIY one day, then I started thinking 'Well, that might work actually...' So I jumped on 80/20's site and started searching for options.
My DIY RTT Trailer build - Expedition Portal
2020年8月6日 · I’m new to the overland community and just finished my RTT trailer. Let me know what you think. We took it out camping last weekend for first time and had a blast!
Adventure '4x6 Lowes' Trailer Build - OVERLAND BOUND …
2022年4月26日 · To add to the list of Lowes DIY trailer builds, here's mine, a 2008 Carry-On 4x6 utility trailer originally purchased from Lowes. Goal: Roof Top Tent Trailer with Shower & Storage to use as a base camp. I've been planning on doing this for while although my plans for it …
2018年11月1日 · Alright, I've decided to attempt to diy build a rooftop tent. I've seen some good stuff on the market, but for the most part well above my budget. So like any good DIYer, I'm going to try to do it myself, probably end up spending more money anyway, and waste way to much time... in the name of...
2018年1月2日 · So after a lot of online searching, I couldn't find a compact solution to hoisting my RTT on to my truck. My garage is too low so I can't lower it off the ceiling and drive away unfortunately. After a lot of brainstorming and about 3 trips to Lowes, below is my working hoist. I tested it with my...
2017年6月30日 · Holy cow, talk about coincidence! In a million years I didn't expect for someone else to have built a RTT trailer out of a Courier bed. Yeesh. Feeling rather unoriginal at this point. Haha.
DIY Solo RTT mounting contraption - Expedition Portal
2014年4月29日 · I recently purchased CVT RTT for my Jeep JK, but do to height constraints with my garage at work, the RTT has to go on and off the Jeep for each trip. Eventually it will get moved to some sort of trailer, but in the mean time I wanted to find a way to get the tent loaded by myself or with some...
DIY rtt or flippac style - Expedition Portal
2019年5月14日 · 4build entire new top sides out of composite. Roof out of composite bed out of composite Would. I need to frame up the side to attach it to the jeep body using wood and adhesiive ? Aluminum ? I haven’t. Seen any post through the first 22 pages of this thread. I have seen some very easy to do rtt using a plywood base and a triple bar stylehighg.
DIY Telescoping Lift for RTT on Trailer - Expedition Portal
2020年12月17日 · The RTT mount (green) would be able to move along the two front and rear arcs of the pivot arms (orange), allowing the telescoping posts (blue) to stay vertical with minimal binding.