DIY tDCS | Keeping Tabs On Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation
2012年6月9日 · My podcast interviews, deep dives into tDCS with key players (iTunes link) tDCS SubReddit is where the action is. Now with tDCS FAQ! Dr. Brent Williams’ DIY device and …
If you follow the blog you’ll know I’m not savvy enough in the ways of electronics to know a well-constructed DIY circuit when I see it. I’ve generally depended on the Reddit crowd to sort …
2015 | DIY tDCS
2015年1月12日 · There are too many unknown factors in how tDCS affects the brain for it to be safe for unsupervised use, and I think we should be very cautious even in research labs. Full …
About - DIY tDCS
Hey, we’re a neurotechnology startup with interests in the developing world. We’ve used tDCS in Pakistan for stroke rehabilitation, treat depression, anxiety and schizophrenia effectively and …
DIY tDCS | Keeping Tabs On Transcranial Direct Current …
2019年6月6日 · In Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) Over the Frontal Polar Area on Motor and Executive Functions in Parkinson’s Disease; A Pilot Study …
Simple Montage list with electrode placement and research
1 Source article was indirectly talking about using tDCS to map social interactions. 2 The author used theta-tDCS which seems to induce theta waves unlike traditional tDCS.
electrode placement | DIY tDCS
Here Dave gives an overview of tDCS, how it’s theorized to work, and includes a set of tDCS montages for various purposes. Excellent! Posted in Device , Video | Tagged Dave Siever , …
The Open tDCS Project | DIY tDCS
It feels silly to put it this way, when the very nature of Open implies extreme democracy, but here goes… Here’s my vision of an Open tDCS project. Build an Upverter team; Design, part, and …
transcranial direct current stimulation | DIY tDCS
Recent research in Oxford and elsewhere has shown that one type of brain stimulation in particular, called transcranial direct current stimulation or TDCS, can be used to improve …
My podcast interviews, deep dives into tDCS with key players (iTunes link) tDCS SubReddit is where the action is. Now with tDCS FAQ! Dr. Brent Williams’ DIY device and protocol. Zap …