Matrice 30 Series - Power in Portability - DJI
The Matrice 30 Series (M30 or M30T) comes with a DJI RC Plus, two TB30 Intelligent Flight Batteries, one BS30 Intelligent Battery Station, and the aircraft storage case.
经纬 M30 系列_工业级巡检无人机_DJI 大疆行业应用
经纬 M30 系列无人机,集成多个高性能传感器,轻巧便携,配备行业遥控器及全新升级的Pilot 2 软件,操控体验显著提升;还可搭配司空 2 云平台、大疆机场使用,实现云端协作及无人值守作业。
Buy Matrice 30T Worry-Free Plus Combo - DJI Store
Shop for Matrice 30T Worry-Free Plus Combo on the official DJI Online Store. Find great deals and buy DJI products online with quick and convenient delivery!
Matrice 30 Series - Specs - DJI
Compatible with the FlightHub 2 cloud platform and DJI Dock to achieve cloud collaboration and remote deployment operations. The Matrice 30 series integrates multiple high-performance sensors into a lightweight and portable body.
Specs - Matrice 30 Series - DJI Enterprise
The M30 Series integrates wide, zoom, and thermal cameras (M30T only) with a laser rangefinder, which together can capture the aerial data you need, when you need it.
Matrice 30 Series - Industrial grade mapping inspection drones
Compatible with the FlightHub 2 cloud platform and DJI Dock to achieve cloud collaboration and remote deployment operations. The Matrice 30 series integrates multiple high-performance sensors into a lightweight and portable body.
Technische Daten - Matrice 30 Serie - DJI Enterprise
Die M30 Serie integriert Weitwinkel-, Zoom- und Wärmebildkameras (nur M30T) mit einem Laser-Entfernungsmesser, die zusammen die erforderlichen Luftbilddaten jederzeit erfassen können.
Matrice 30シリーズ - パワ - 産業用マッピング検査用ドローン
FlightHub 2クラウドプラットフォームと DJI Dockと接続すれば、クラウドを介したチーム間の連携や 遠隔での作業管理を実現します。 Matrice 30シリーズは、軽量で携帯性に優れたボディに 高性能センサーを複数搭載。
Matrice 30 系列 - 工業級巡檢無人機 - DJI 大疆行業應用
Compatible with the FlightHub 2 cloud platform and DJI Dock to achieve cloud collaboration and remote deployment operations. The Matrice 30 series integrates multiple high-performance sensors into a lightweight and portable body.
Matrice 30 Series - 산업용 매핑 검사 드론 - DJI Enterprise
기업 솔루션 사용자를 위해 고안된 조종기와 DJI Pilot 2 앱을 함께 사용해 드론 작업 효율성을 크게 향상하세요. DJI FlightHub 2 클라우드 플랫폼 및 DJI Dock와 호환되어 클라우드 컬래버레이션 및 원격 배치 작업이 가능합니다.