DJI Mic - Elevated Audio On the Go - DJI
DJI Mic is a compact, lightweight, and powerful wireless microphone system that delivers exceptional sound quality at distances of up to 250 m. [1] The transmitter provides clear, professional-level recording of vocals, ambient sounds, or musical instruments.
DJI Mic (2 TX + 1 RX + Charging Case) - DJI Store
DJI Mic (1 TX + 1 RX) is suitable for solo operators to take vlogs or do livestreaming. A operating time of 5 hours is enough for needs like store visiting, vlogging and teaching online class. The price is also more affordable.
Buy DJI Mic 2 - Wireless Microphone - DJI Store
DJI Mic 2 (1 TX + 1 RX) includes one receiver and one Shadow Black transmitter, suitable for single-person audio recording of individual creators. The DJI Mic 2 Transmitter (Pearl White) and DJI Mic 2 Transmitter (Shadow Black) can be used with mobile phones, Osmo Action 4, and Osmo Pocket 3.
DJI Mic - Anspruchsvolles Audio für unterwegs - DJI
Wähle zwischen DJI Mic (1 Sender + 1 Empfänger) oder DJI Mic (2 Sender + 1 Empfänger + Ladeschale) für deine kreativen Audiobedürfnisse. Das DJI Mic (2 Sender + 1 Empfänger + Ladeschale) enthält zusätzlich eine Ladeschale und einen zusätzlichen Sender für umfassende Einsatzszenarien.
DJI Mic - Migliora i tuoi audio - DJI
DJI Mic è un sistema microfonico wireless compatto, leggero e potente che offre una qualità del suono eccezionale fino a 250 m di distanza. [1] Il trasmettitore fornisce una registrazione chiara e di livello professionale di voci, suoni ambientali o strumenti musicali.
DJI Mic - Eleva tu audio - DJI
DJI Mic es un sistema de micrófono inalámbrico compacto, ligero y potente que ofrece una calidad de sonido excepcional a distancias de hasta 250 m. [1] El transmisor permite la grabación clara y de nivel profesional de voces, sonido ambiente o instrumentos musicales.
DJI Mic 2 - Wireless Microphone - DJI
The upgraded, ready-to-use wireless microphone DJI Mic 2 provides high-quality audio recording, intelligent noise canceling, and 32-bit floating-point internal recording, empowering you to produce authentic and detail-rich audio content perfect for vlogs, interviews, livestreams, and more.
DJI Mic Mini (2 TX + 1 RX + Charging Case) - DJI Store
DJI Mic Mini (2 TX + 1 RX + Charging Case) includes a charging case, one receiver, and two Infinity Black transmitters. It provides extended battery life and is suitable for two-person audio recording.
DJI Mic - 一开即得,声动人心 - DJI 大疆创新
DJI Mic 是一个紧凑轻巧、性能强大的无线收音系统,可实现远达 250 米无线收音距离 [1] 。发射器可录音,无论人声、环境声或乐器声,均可清晰录制。且自带内置存储,可单独用作录音笔,也可在录音时备份声音,保障录音数据完整性。随时随地,声入人心。
Acquista DJI Mic - DJI Store
DJI Mic (1 TX + 1 RX) è perfetto per gli operatori solisti, per i vlog o il live streaming. Un’autonomia operativa di 5 ore è sufficiente per esigenze come la visita in un negozio, il vlogging e l'insegnamento online. Anche il prezzo è più conveniente.