Importing DJI Drone Data into Trimble Business Center
This data can be imported and analyzed in your end platform of choice, after being processed into a map and model using DJI Terra. This step-by-step guide will help you import maps and models captured with DJI Enterprise equipment and processed through DJI Terra.
Trimble Business Center v5.4 and Processing Drone Flight Data
You can now process the DJI P4 RTK drone flights right inside Trimble Business Center version 5.4. Experience the advance point cloud cleanup to help speed up the processes where you can create...
PPK Processing - DJI Forum
2024年9月12日 · I want to share with you one of the solutions for processing PPK trajectory data from DJI Matrice 350 RTK. to correct the coordinates of Event Marker (Photo stations). Finally, I compared obtained results with RTK data from the drone. I found that the differenced around 2 cm, 3 cm, and may reach 10 cm.
Processing DJI Aerial Data | Trimble Business Center
2021年1月28日 · I'm currently looking at the new feature in 5.40 where you can process PPK drone data from the DJI Phantom 4 RTK Drone. I have downloaded the recently released Tutorial for this and followed the workflow.
mavic 3E rtk in TBC | Trimble Business Center
2022年11月28日 · The DJI Mavic 3 Entreprise drone is brand new, so the current version did not know about it and therefore does not support its processing in TBC. The upcoming version TBC 5.81 will support the processing of the DJI Mavic 3 Entreprise RTK .
PPK processing using TBC | DJI FORUM
2019年6月6日 · I have two How To's write-ups that show how to use the P4RTK and processing it through RTKLIB process to get a GPX (a XML file with Long/Lat/Alt and phot name) file which is then used in GeoSetter to modify the GPS MetaData of the photos with the corrected GPS/Altitude information. It's a very easy process to follow.
DJI Phantom 4 | Trimble Business Center APM Options - YouTube
In this video we show the current state of the art from TBC to handle DJI Phantom 4 data. We are thankful that many people like the current solution and of c...
GMT20230222-145802_Recording_1920x1030 - Trimble Geospatial
2023年2月24日 · Trimble Business Center (TBC) Aerial Photogrammetry module was built for simplicity to process data collected by drones from key drone manufacturers, including DJI, MicroDrones and Wingtra. In this webinar, we showcase how you can easily get data into TBC and produce high-quality deliverables.
GitHub - Ericksgeo/DJI_PPK_from_TBC: DJI phantom 4 RTK PPK …
In TBC: load the .obs files and the .T02 base file to process the PPK trajectory. It is recommended to download precise ephemerides into the project to secure L1/L2 fixed solutions. Extract flight trajectories using lat long (Global) coordinate system with 8 decimals.
Aerial Photogrammetry in TBC (Mavic 3 Enterprise) - Trimble Inc.
2023年2月15日 · DJI Mavic 3 Enterprise Series UAS support - TBC supports the import and processing of photogrammetry data collected with the DJI Mavic 3 Enterprise Series model M3E UAS using TBC's simple but powerful aerial photogrammetry workflow.