Townsend Personal and Relational Assessment Tool - TPRAT
Assess and enhance your professional and personal abilities through the TPRAT. This brand new research based, valid, fully reliable assessment measures character and competence. The results give you control of accelerating your growth to meet the demands you face with greater confidence and success.
Exploring the Townsend Personal and Relational Assessment Tool (TPRAT …
2024年9月20日 · The Townsend Personal and Relational Assessment Tool (TPRAT) is a powerful tool designed to help individuals understand and grow their character competencies. Developed by Dr. John Townsend, this tool measures four core character capacities: Attachment, Separation, Integration, and Adulthood.
About the Assessment - TPRAT
Congratulations on taking the right steps to unlock your life potential! As you take this easy-to-use tool, formulated from neuroscience, performance research, clinical findings and many other sources, the TPRAT will help you determine your current …
The Townsend Personal and Relational Assessment Tool (TPRAT)
2024年5月2日 · The Townsend Personal and Relational Assessment Tool (TPRAT) offers such guidance by identifying where we stand in four key life capacities: Attachment, Separation, Integration, and Adulthood. Attachment: The Foundation of Relationships
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Interpreting Results - TPRAT
The levels of the TPRAT are built on each other. That is, for a person to be Sustaining (a score of 85 to 100) in the Capacity of Boundaries, it helps a great deal for them to have accomplished what is necessary on the earlier levels of Starting (a score of 0 to 24), Growing (a score of 25 to 54) and Strengthening (a score of 55 to 84) in ...
Dr. John Townsend on LinkedIn: #tprat #assessment …
I'd like to personally invite you and ask for your partnership in a project we are conducting on our #TPRAT (Townsend Personal Relational Assessment Tool), which helps indviduals, teams,...
Knowing Your Team: Rapid Assessment of Residents and Fellows …
In March 2020, a multi-institution collaborative launched the Trainee Pandemic Role Allocation Tool (TPRAT), which allows institutions to map institutional programs to COVID-19 roles within minutes. This was disseminated to other GME programs for use and refinement.
Karen Bergstrom, Ph.D. & John Townsend, Ph.D. - aacc.net
Describe the four character capacities assessed by the TPRAT: Attachment, Separation, Integration, and Adulthood. Evaluate the role of character structure in contributing to psychological and emotional challenges, differentiating between symptoms and root character issues.
In-depth instruction on the theoretical foundations and practical applications of TPRAT. Hands-on practice sessions to develop facilitation skills and techniques. Access to expert trainers with extensive experience in psychology, counseling, and coaching.