nbn fttp infrastructure from the home to the poi - NBN
2023年2月21日 · An example with FTTP, from the 1:8 SMP is goes back to a BJL, FJL, DJL etc where the fibre goes through splitters. The fibre from the PON can be split 1:2 or 1:4, then gets sent to SMP’s so it ends up as a 1:32 split. There can be 4 1:8 SMPs per PON port. From the OLT it goes further upstream into network
Deep Java Library (DJL) API 介绍 - CSDN博客
2024年10月30日 · Deep Java Library (DJL) 提供了一套丰富的 API,使得 Java 开发者可以轻松地进行深度学习任务,包括模型加载、训练、推理等。它将原始数据转换为模型可以接受的格式,并将模型的输出转换为用户友好的格式。Model 类是 DJL 中的核心类之一,用于表示深度学习模型。
关于DJL使用的一些问题修复 - CSDN博客
2021年6月9日 · 在IT行业中,机器学习和深度学习是热门领域,而DJL(Deep Java Library)是一个专为Java和JVM生态系统设计的深度学习框架。...通过本项目的实践,我们可以深入理解DJL的使用方法以及深度学习在实际问题中的应用。
Fibre Testing: NBN FTTC Methods & Topology - TMG Test …
In nbn™'s Distribution Fibre Network (DFN) and Local Fibre Network (LFN), Uni-directional testing is performed using an Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR) to characterise the optical link at both 1310nm and 1625nm wavelengths. An OTDR sends thousands of pulses of light into a fibre at these wavelengths to create a Trace.
Java深度学习库Deep Java Library (DJL)的使用 - CSDN博客
2024年10月30日 · Deep Java Library (DJL) 是一个用于 深度学习 的 Java库,它提供了丰富的API和工具,使得在Java项目中使用深度学习模型变得更加简单。 下面我将通过一个具体的例子来展示如何在项目中使用DJL。 下面是一个示例,展示如何在一个 Spring Boot 应用程序中使用 Deep Java Library (DJL) 进行图像分类。 我们将创建一个简单的 REST API,接收图像文件并返回分类结果。 1. 创建 Spring Boot 项目. 首先,使用 Spring Initializr 创建一个新的 Spring Boot …
Development Guideline - Deep Java Library - docs.djl.ai
In this document, we will cover everything you need to build, test, and debug your code when developing DJL. Many of us use the IntelliJ IDEA IDE to develop DJL and we will sometimes mention it. However, there is no requirement to use this IDE. Coding Conventions¶ When writing code for DJL, we usually try to follow standard Java coding ...
Subroutines include correlation reliability test, Mahalanobis distance measure for outlier detec-tion, combinatorial search (all possible subset regression), non-parametric eficiency analy-sis measures: DDF (directional distance function), DEA (data envelopment analysis), HDF (hy-perbolic distance function), SBM (slack-based measure), and SF (sh...
Documentation - Deep Java Library - DJL
This folder contains examples and documentation for the Deep Java Library (DJL) project. Note: when searching in JavaDoc, if your access is denied, please try removing the string undefined in the url.
dm.ddf: Distance measure using DDF in DJL: Distance Measure …
2023年3月31日 · "Directional distance functions and slacks-based measures of efficiency." European journal of operational research 200.1 (2010): 320~322. # ready. x <- matrix(c(5, 1, 4), ncol = 1) y <- matrix(c(8, 3, 5, 6, 4, 1), ncol = 2) g <- matrix(c(1), nrow = 3, ncol = 3) . w <- matrix(c(1, 0), ncol = 2) # go. dm.ddf(x, y, "crs", g, w) # ready.
dm.hdf function - RDocumentation
Implements Fare 's hyperbolic distance function (semi-radial & non-oriented measure). Fare, R., Shawna Grosskopf, and CA Knox Lovell. The Measurement of Efficiency of Production. …