Dragon Knight (DotA) | Dota Wiki | Fandom
Davion shield-bashes a nearby enemy unit with the force of a dragon's tail swipe, stunning the target and dealing minor magic damage. Davion's ancient dragon heritage surfaces temporarily, granting him increased health regeneration and armor. Davion morphs into a powerful elder dragon. His basic attacks become ranged, turning into dragonbreath.
Dragon Knight Melee, Carry, Disabler, Durable, Initiator
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亚巴顿(Abaddon),别名为死亡骑士、dk,游戏《DOTA》和《DOTA2》中的近战英雄。 亚巴顿,前圣骑士,现地狱领主。 在燃烧军团的腐蚀下,他的力量和灵魂堕入黑暗,变得疯狂。 手持巫妖王赠予的吸魂剑,他勇往直前,不达目的誓不罢休。
Knight Davion, The Dragon Knight - DotA Hero Strategy Guide
Knight Davion bashes a melee-range enemy target with the fury of a dragon's tail swipe. Stuns the target and deals minor damage. Level 1 - Deals 25 damage, stuns for 2.5 seconds. Level 2 …
Dragon Knight / "Knight Davion" is a strength type of hero play the role of carry or tanker.
DOTA 1 - Dragon Knight RAMPAGE + Beyond GODLIKE! (Hard …
2017年11月30日 · Though he has no real escape ability, his Dragon Blood provides him a hefty amount of armor and regen, making him capable of withstanding strong physical hits and recovering quickly. He is still...
DK电子竞技俱乐部 - 百度百科
DK电子竞技俱乐部成立于2010年5月,投资公司为云南省清扬传媒有限公司,俱乐部运营的主要项目为 Dota2。 主要成绩有2011年下半年豪取九冠,2011年G联赛前三赛季三冠王,2012年DOTA2第二届TI2国际邀请赛殿军,2013年DOTA2第三届TI3国际邀请赛并列第五名,2013年第一届WPC-ACE世界电子职业精英赛冠军,2014年Starladder9世界冠军,2014年DOTA2第四届TI4国际邀请赛殿军。 其于2011年初和2013年末建立的阵容均有“银河战舰”之称。 2015年11月16 …
Hướng dẫn chơi Dragon Knight (by Elder Dragon Form) | Học Chơi Dota
Dragon Tail lấy đầu tiên là điều tất nhiên vì 2.5s stun khủng khiếp của nó ngay từ lv1. Tiếp theo là ưu tiên Dragon Blood vì có armor và regen chống bị harass. Breathe Fire dc Max đầu tiên để farm và harass (và KS).
Dragon Knight - Dota 2 Wiki
Dragon Knight takes the form of one of three powerful elder dragons, increasing his speed, and Dragon Tail's range, while granting him new powers. LEVEL 1 Green Dragon - Corrosive Breath: attacks deal 25 poison damage per second for 3 seconds. Works on structures.
Dota 2 - Dragon Knight
Dragon Knight takes the form of one of three powerful elder dragons. Increases movement speed, attack damage, and Wyrm's Wrath effects. Attacks apply Wyrm's Wrath on-hit effects and a percentage of the attack damage to all enemies near the target. Increases Dragon Tail range. Increases health regeneration and armor bonuses from Dragon Blood.