PaulGoes/Arcade-Donkey-Kong-Hacks - GitHub
This repository contains the various rom hacks that I created of the Arcade Donkey Kong game. More information can be found on my website: https://donkeykonghacks.net. The repository is organized in separate folders for each rom hack. In a rom …
Donkey Kong Romhacking
Use this hack to observe: the seperation between background and sprites, the actual sizes of the various hitboxes, the difference in hitboxes for fireballs and firefoxes, the big hitboxes around DK in rivets, the hitboxes above the oil can, the black sprites that cover the …
Donkey Kong 64 Base Hack - GitHub
This repo contains all the necessary building blocks to make a Donkey Kong 64 ROM Hack. To assist with ROM Hack making, this repo serves as a suggested base for developers to build off when making their own Donkey Kong 64 ROM Hacks. Tools contained: Cranky's Lab: Enables overwriting ROM Assets without entropy restrictions
Releases · 10yard/dkafe - GitHub
Hack Donkey.Me PC to isolote all the DK versions to be launched separately in DKAFE. Added most to arcade floor. Hack other game maker based PC games to integrate better with DKAFE. DK arcade (demo) added to gameboy color - it's my own hack of DK '94 which loops the first 4 stages with no extra life pickups. Atari ST - TOS file error.
ROM Hacks: Donkey Kong Country - Expert Edition Updated
2023年1月12日 · This hack removes the DK Barrels (which respawn your missing character) and Star Barrels (which act as checkpoints), so you can only take two hits in each stage before losing a life and being forced to start over from the beginning. It also removes the Warp Barrels that allow you to skip certain stages.
Romhacking.net - Games - Donkey Kong Country
For Donkey Kong Country. Classic video game modification community. Home to ROM hack mods, fan translations, documents, utilities, homebrew, and other learning resources.
Enjoy Donkey Kong 64 levels in SM64, including new abilities inspired by each Kong! This hack contains a star layout, allowing you to view which stars you have collected as you play in Parallel Launcher if you have RHDC Integration enabled.
DK Extras Donkey Kong ROM Set - Archive.org
2024年7月14日 · This is a collection of all Donkey Kong ROMs and Hacks currently supported by the DK Extras project. This project adds .json support to openFPGA-DonkeyKong by Eric Lewis. To enjoy these ROMs, you must update the data.json with …
Top 10 Donkey Kong Country (SNES) Rom Hacks - SNESGuy.com
We have created a list of all the Donkey Kong Country hacks we have reviewed. All Donkey Kong Country hacks are available to download and play, simply click on the rom hack you want to play and click on the download link. If you need further help …
Donkey Kong Country 1, 2 and 3 ROM Hack Compilation
2008年1月20日 · Origin: http://www.geocities.jp/mudlava90/dk/ Date uploaded: 11-14-2007 Download Link: http://www.geocities.jp/mudlava90/dk/sdk_test_hack.zip Hacked Levels: 1-1 Must be applied to: Super Donkey Kong (J) (V1.0) Fact: This ROM hack is probably the first DKC ROM Hack ever created.