Dplus KIA - Leaguepedia | League of Legends Esports Wiki - Fandom
Hachani (Coach) joins from sister team DK Challengers. Khan (Streamer to Streamer/Adviser) changes position. [125] [126]
Dplus KIA - Wikipedia
Dplus KIA (DK), formerly known as DWG KIA and DAMWON Gaming (abbr. DWG), is a South Korean professional esports organization. Its League of Legends team competes in the LCK, the top-level league for the game in South Korea. Dplus KIA won their first LCK title on 5 September 2020 after defeating DRX in the 2020 LCK summer finals.
Dplus KIA - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
DK以LCK一號種子和衛冕軍的身份晉級英雄聯盟2021賽季全球總決賽,他們與Cloud9、Rogue及FunPlus Phoenix同組,並強勢以6勝0負,小組第一種子的身份出線。 DK8強賽3:0橫掃 MAD ,半決賽3:2擊敗 T1 ,但決賽以2:3惜敗 EDG ,未能完成衛冕,本年度的兩次國際賽事均獲得亞軍。
Dplus KIA - 百度百科
2024年LCK夏季赛,DK在8月8日对阵FOX的比赛中将原二队辅助Moham上调至一队,DK在常规赛取得13胜5负的成绩排名第三进入季后赛。 季后赛第一轮DK以3:1战胜FOX,随后0:3不敌Gen.G掉入败者组,最后1:3不敌T1,获得殿军。
Dplus - Liquipedia League of Legends Wiki
2021年12月1日 · Dplus KIA is a Korean esports organization. Find out more about its League of Legends team roster, results, and upcoming match schedule!
Team DK (Dplus KIA) LoL, roster, matches, statistics - ggScore
DK Roster: Siwoo, Lucid, ShowMaker, Aiming, BeryL. IS OPERATED BY GAMEAGEVENTURES LLP 80 Sidney Street, Folkestone, Kent, CT19 6HQ
Dplus - Liquipedia VALORANT Wiki
Dplus (previously known as DWG KIA and DAMWON Gaming) is a Korean esports organization, founded in 2017 as a League of Legends team that subsequently won Worlds in 2020. They are currently competing under the name Dplus KIA due to sponsorship with KIA. January 7th – NGen and Only1 leave. [39] . Felix, Rico and CabezA join. [40]
Team DK - Liquipedia Dota 2 Wiki
2015年11月16日 · Team DK confirms new team lineup consisting of, BurNIng, Mushi, iceiceice, LaNm and X!!. Coming into 2014 Team DK managed to obtain their first premier Dota2 title in the WPC ACE League 2013 by defeating Invictus Gaming 4:3 in a monumental comeback after being 0:3 down in the Grand Final.
Team DK - Leaguepedia | League of Legends Esports Wiki - Fandom
Team DK is the League of Legends branch of the renowned DotA 2 and Starcraft 2 team of the same name.
DK电子竞技俱乐部 - 百度百科