Breeding – Observatoire national du déploiement des cépages …
These polygenic varieties are called “ResDur”. Three series of crosses were performed, giving rise to the varieties ResDur 1, 2 and 3, as shown in the diagram below. Given the technical and regulatory constraints, it actually takes fifteen years to breed a variety: three years of early breeding, followed by six years of intermediate ...
called INRA-ResDur was launched in 2000 to create cultivars with durable resistance to downy and powdery mildews and with berry quality suitable for the production of high-quality wines.
5 nouvelles variétés résistantes - Institut Français de la Vigne et ...
2023年3月3日 · Faisant suite aux 4 variétés ResDur 1, Artaban, Vidoc, Floreal et Voltis, inscrites au Catalogue et classées en 2018, ce sont 5 nouvelles variétés résistantes, issues du programme Resdur (RESistance DURable), qui viennent d’être inscrites au Catalogue national officiel des variétés de vigne.
[PDF] Breeding for durable resistance to downy and powdery …
2018年8月2日 · The Inra-ResDur breeding program aims at creating varieties with durable resistance to downy and powdery mildew, and the pyramiding strategy employed to limit the risk of resistance breakdown is described. The current strategy to control grapevine downy and powdery mildew relies on chemical treatments.
Variétés résistantes Resdur 1 - Institut Français de la Vigne et du Vin
2018年2月17日 · Ces variétés issues du programme INRA ResDur 1 représentent une avancée considérable pour l’innovation variétale vigne, en proposant un matériel résistant aux maladies fongiques que sont le mildiou et l’oïdium, tout en apportant de très bonnes qualités organoleptiques. Retrouvez les fiches descriptives pour chacune de ces variétés :
Creating Wine Grapes that Can Withstand Climate Change
2019年11月11日 · The ResDur project was started in 2000 by France’s National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA), with the specific goal of creating new wine grape varieties that would be resistant to fungal diseases—in particular, downy and powdery mildew.
The Inra - ResDur breeding prSograVm Q V § Resistance genes are a limited resource § Resistance gene breakdowns have already been observed § A breeding program is a long - term and costly process § The question of the management of resistance durability is crucial, particularly, in the case of a perennial species Durable management of ...
INRA-ResDur: the French grapevine breeding programme for durable ...
The most promising option to reduce the need for fungicides in viticulture is the use of resistant cultivars. This is why a new breeding programme called INRA-ResDur was launched in 2000 to create cultivars with durable resistance to downy and powdery mildews and with berry quality suitable for the production of high-quality wines.
INRA-ResDur: the French grapevine breeding programme for …
2019年8月1日 · Four of the "ResDur" grapevine varieties (Artaban, Vidoc, Floreal and Voltis), combining resistance genes, were registered in 2018, and a series of 20 additional varieties will be released by...
南韓超殺嘻哈男團DKB宣布7月正式回歸,即將燃炸舞台!宣告來 …
2024年7月9日 · 南韓超殺嘻哈男團DKB宣布即將在台北舉辦首次世界巡演《2024 DKB WORLDTOUR "DARK STRANGE"》,這次台北站演唱會將於8月25日盛大登場,DKB宣佈將會在7月中旬,帶著最新迷你專輯正式回歸,這次連新MV都拍攝完成,一定會帶給粉絲們全新感受。 同時喊話粉絲:「準備好要接收我們帶來的全新又炙熱的演出嗎? 一定會再次讓BB們 (粉絲們)陷 …