DKBA Leader Claims Fighting in Lay Kay Kaw Supported by …
2022年6月15日 · General Saw Steel, Commander-in-Chief of the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA), claimed while speaking at a meeting in Palu Gyi village that opponents of the military junta and fighting in the Lay Kay Kaw area were financed by foreign countries.
拘留星星的缅甸边防部队,实际就是妙瓦地诈骗园区的保护伞之一_ …
1994年从原 KNLA 第16营分裂出来,当时称“民主克伦佛教军”(DKBA)。 🔻2010年起,表面上臣服于缅甸政府,并接受了缅军给的官方名字——克伦边防军(BGF)——成为缅甸边防部队的一部分。 但更多的时候,他们还是爱叫自己为DKBA,并未改变其地方割据势力的本质。 🔻其头目是克伦军阀索奇督。 🔻2020年12月,缅甸军方派兵进入妙瓦底,收缴了BGF从泰国走私入境的150辆汽车,并要求索奇督等人在停止非法活动和辞职之间二选一。 索奇督和另外三名少校作势要辞职,其 …
Karen Militia Kicks Chinese Out of Myanmar Scam Center Hub
2025年2月10日 · The Democratic Karen Benevolent Army (DKBA) on Sunday told Chinese nationals engaged in online scam operations, casinos, and food manufacturing to leave the Myanmar-Thai border town of Payathonzu by the end of February.
China Forces Myanmar Scam Syndicates to Move to Thai Border
2024年4月22日 · A second DKBA zone is located even further south at Waw Lay, and is the newest and least understood of the criminal enclaves. The DKBA remains largely neutral vis-à-vis the Myanmar army and anti-junta resistance groups, such as the KNU. Individuals associated with the KNLA, especially its Brigade 7: Roger Khin
2021 Myawaddy clashes - Wikipedia
The Myawaddy clashes erupted on 1 June 2021, when Myanmar Army and Karen BGF crossed into DKBA-5 territory in retaliation for the latter group capturing three police officers and a firefighter from Waw Lay Township. [2] According to DKBA Major General Kyaw Thet, KNLA, PDF, and BGF defectors participated in the battle.
Karen Rebel Leader Warns Myanmar Regime of More Fighting
2021年6月3日 · The clash broke out on Tuesday in Phlu village after the DKBA splinter group reportedly detained three policemen, including the police chief of Waw Lay town, and a firefighter. The fighting has forced over 400 residents into Mae Sot across the Thai border.
Online Scam Centers Expand on Thailand-Myanmar Border
2024年10月1日 · Karen National Union Brigade 6 claims Payathonzu is within its territory. The DKBA reportedly also controls Waw Lay and Kyauk Khet and the DKBA and BGF control Falu and Min Let Pan. Residents said Mae Htaw Talay village south of Myawaddy has six online scam operations with the BGF providing security.
緬甸地方武裝組織最後通牒 涉電詐中國人限2月底前離開 – RFA 自 …
2025年2月11日 · DKBA謂,斷電令當地人蒙受經濟損失,會採取行動幫助緬甸人民,並強調與泰國當局建立互信相當重要,希望泰國能恢復供電和重新供應燃料。 (粵語組製圖) 緬甸有反政府武裝組織向在其控制區內從事網上賭博、電訊詐騙及其他非法業務的中國公民,發出最後通牒,限令本月底前離開;同時,泰國加強打擊向緬甸走私燃油,以堵截犯罪集團繞過當局斷電、斷油的禁令 …
缅甸两支武装合并!克伦民族联盟与民主克伦仁爱军口头达成统一 …
2022年8月5日 · 缅甸克伦邦两支克伦族武装克伦民族联盟/克伦民族解放军(KNU/KNLA)和民主克伦仁爱军(DKBA)已口头同意重新统一,双方领导人已在2022年8月3日的会议后证实此事。 在8月3日,克伦民族解放军总司令苏约翰尼(Saw Johnny )与民主克伦仁爱军总司令苏萨迪(Saw Steel)举行会议后达成协议,内容包括重新统一。 根据口头达成两军统一的协议,正在协调为前线士兵制作统一的临时军徽和臂章,还讨论了处理7月份新组建的哥都礼军(KTLA)问题,之 …
Democratic Karen Buddhist Army - Wikipedia
The Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA; Burmese: တိုးတက်သော ဗုဒ္ဓဘာသာ ကရင်အမျိုးသား တပ်ဖွဲ့) was an insurgent group of Buddhist soldiers and officers in Myanmar that split from the predominantly Christian-led Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), one of the largest ...