H-class battleship proposals - Wikipedia
Most of the designs had a proposed top speed in excess of 30 knots (56 km/h). Due to the outbreak of World War II in September 1939, none of the ships were ever completed; only the first two of the "H-39" ships were laid down.
Germany’s Proposed H-Class Battleships - NavalHistoria
2023年12月29日 · In 1935, the Anglo-German Naval Agreement allowed Germany to expand its navy to a certain extent, legally bypassing some of the Versailles restrictions. This agreement permitted Germany to build a navy up to 35% of the size of …
H-Klasse (Schlachtschiff) – Wikipedia
Als H-Klasse wird eine auf sechs Einheiten ausgelegte Schlachtschiffklasse der deutschen Kriegsmarine bezeichnet, die im Rahmen des Z-Plans 1939 begonnen, jedoch nie realisiert worden ist.
They were basically enlarged Bismarcks with heavier guns, extended compartmentation, and increased radius of action. The propulsion plant was to include 12 diesel motors coupled to three shafts able to provide a speed of 30 knots.
H-Class: Nazi Germany’s Insane 141,500 Ton Monster Battleship
2021年3月5日 · H-Class Battleship, On Steroids? The H41 was designed to be 76,000 ton, while the H42 was a massive 98,000 tons – and that increased further with the H43 and H44 finally reaching 141,500 tons. That...
Schlachtschiff H History - German Navy
Only two of the ships were actually started, Schlachtschiff H at Blohm & Voss, Hamburg on June 15th, 1939 and Schlachtschiff J at AG Weser, Bremen on August 15th, 1939. Construction was stopped on October 10th, 1939 as the focus in German naval construction switched to the construction of more U-boats instead of battleships.
Calling all DKM H-class battleship fans: H39 to H45
2024年2月27日 · Calling all DKM H-class battleship fans: H39 to H45. Moderators: BB62vet, MartinJQuinn, Timmy C, Olaf Held, Dan K, HMAS, ModelMonkey
Deutsches Marinearchiv
Die Schlachtschiffe der H-Klasse sollten das Rückgrat der deutschen Flotte bilden. Nach den beiden Schiffen der Scharnhorst-Klasse und den beiden Einheiten der Bismarck-Klasse waren im Z-Plan sechs Schiffe der H-Klasse geplant. Damit sollte die deutsche Schlachtflotte bis 1948 auf 10 Einheiten aufgestockt werden.
3D design HMS Camebridge/ DKM H45/ RN Vezuv/ FRM …
At Autodesk, we empower innovators everywhere to take the problems of today and turn them into something amazing. Tinkercad is a free web app for 3D design, electronics, and coding. …
The Wells Brothers' Battleship Index: Debunking the Later H-class ...
I am the one who made H45 up. It was a ship of 700,000 tons (based on an engineer's estimates of a vessel capable of carrying 4 x 2 80xm guns). A heavy AA armament of 8 24 cm guns (the Kriegsmarine was developing such a gun for land base use at the end of the war) and numerous 12.8cm flak in enclosed mounts.