DKW - Wikipedia
DKW (Dampfkraftwagen, English: "steam-power car" – the same initials later also used for Des Knaben Wunsch, English: "the knave's/boy's wish"; Das Kleine Wunder, English: "the little wonder" and Deutsche Kinderwagen, English: "German strollers") was a German car- and motorcycle-marque.
DKW F1 - Wikipedia
However, the DKW F1's larger significance arose both because it pioneered volume production for front-wheel drive cars and because it was the first in a line of inexpensive light weight DKWs, from the F1 to the F8, which secured DKW's position as the country's most successful manufacturer of small cars in the 1930s and second place in the ...
DKW – Popular 2-Stroke Cars - Vorkriegsautos auf alten Fotos
DKW Front F1 Roadster, body by Schneider&Korb, built 1931/32, prewar picture taken in Saxony (Zwickau region)
DKW F7 - Wikipedia
The DKW F7 is a front-wheel-drive, two-stroke, subcompact family car produced by Auto Union’s DKW division from 1937 to 1938, succeeding their DKW F5 range. In the F7 update, the slightly smaller entry-level 'Reichsklasse' body was dropped – instead all F7s, including the base trim, now got the slightly longer body previously reserved for ...
DKW Front F1 - History, Photo and Information
History and information on the DKW F1 model, the world’s first high-volume production car with front-wheel drive.
小奇迹(小奇迹 (DKW)汽车)_百度百科
由奥迪设计师Walter Haustein 和Oskar Arlt设计出符合以上要求的汽车,被命名为DKW Front,并在1931年柏林汽车展上的首次亮相中引起轰动。DKW Front在奥迪工厂生产,是当时 德国 产量最高、最受欢迎的小型汽车。
驾史员 | 谁说奥迪没有历史浅谈“四个圈”到底是怎么来的(下)_搜 …
2021年6月7日 · 奥迪设计师Walter Haustein 和Oskar Arlt成功设计出符合以上要求的汽车,将其命名为DKW Front,并在1931年柏林汽车展上的首次亮相中引起轰动。DKW Front在奥迪工厂生产,是当时德国产量最高、最受欢迎的小型汽车。
奥迪车标百年演变史 四个圈背后的故事|汽车联盟|dkw|nsu|horch_ …
2020年5月12日 · 该车由奥迪设计师设计,被命名为DKW Front,并在1931年柏林汽车展上的首次亮相中引起轰动。 DKW Front在奥迪工厂生产,是当时德国产量最高、最受欢迎的小型汽车,也为汽车普及做出了重要贡献。
DKW F Series Market - CLASSIC.COM
The F Series was introduced by DKW in 1932. It was a line of compact, front wheel drive cars with two stroke engines. The letter "F" in the name stands for "Frontantrieb" (front wheel drive), making them some of the first cars with this configuration in the world. Some of the most notable models in the F Series were the F5, F7 and F8.
Heinkel Scooter Project: DKW - Germany's Wonder Car - Blogger
2011年2月1日 · The DKW Front quickly became Auto-Union's best selling car and a prop for the economic survival of the conglomerate. One half of all Auto-Union vehicles sold was a DKW and DKW contributed fully two thirds of the profits of the group.