DKW - Wikipedia
In 1932, DKW merged with Audi, Horch and Wanderer to form Auto Union. [3] After World War II, DKW moved to West Germany. The original factory became MZ. [1] Auto Union came under Daimler-Benz ownership in 1957 and was purchased by the Volkswagen Group in 1964. The last German-built DKW car was the F102, which ceased production in 1966.
Auto Union 1000 - Wikipedia
The Auto Union 1000 is a luxury compact front-wheel drive automobile manufactured by Auto Union GmbH between 1958 and 1965. It was the first (and in many markets the last) model branded as an Auto Union by the manufacturer since the 1930s; it replaced the DKW 3=6, although the latter continued in production until the end of 1959. [3]
小奇迹(小奇迹 (DKW)汽车)_百度百科
由奥迪设计师Walter Haustein 和Oskar Arlt设计出符合以上要求的汽车,被命名为DKW Front,并在1931年柏林汽车展上的首次亮相中引起轰动。DKW Front在奥迪工厂生产,是当时 德国 产量最高、最受欢迎的小型汽车。
DKW For Sale - BaT Auctions - Bring a Trailer
Browse and bid online for the chance to own a DKW at auction with Bring a Trailer, the home of the best vintage and classic cars online.
DKW For Sale - Barn Finds
2024年4月26日 · DKW, a German car and motorcycle manufacturing company that dates to 1916, was one of four companies that merged to form Auto Union in 1932, which is an ancestor to today’s Audi. They built a variety of cars, trucks,… more»
DKW - Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi
DKW var et af de fire selskaber, der i 1932 sluttede sig sammen i Auto Union, forløberen for det moderne Audi. [2] Virksomheden blev grundlagt i 1916 i byen Zschopau i Sachsen af den danske ingeniør Jørgen Skafte Rasmussen (1878−1964) for …
1933: 四环徽标——四品牌联合
奥迪、DKW、霍希和漫游者合并成为汽车联盟公司 (Auto Union AG),当时是德国第二大的机动车制造集团,也成为了今天的奥迪公司的根基。 奥古斯特-霍希于1909年7月16日在茨维考(Zwickau)成立的公司由于竞争原因不能使用其创始人的名字。 通过将霍希的名字(在德语中意为 "注意! "或 "听! ")翻译成拉丁文,为公司找到了一个新的名字。 因此,奥古斯特-霍希建立的第二家公司于1910年4月25日以奥迪汽车有限公司的名义开始营业。 奥迪 仍然年轻的汽车联 …
DKW Auto-Union Project
2019年2月3日 · This blog is an archive of DKW related articles, manuals, brochures and posts. It also covers East German successor marques, such as IFA, AWZ, Wartburg, Sachsenring, MZ and IWL.
Auto Union 1000 (1958-1963) - Motor Car History
The Auto Union 1000 is a German car with a three-cylinder, two-stroke engine and front-wheel drive built from the late 1950s to the early 1960s. It is the successor of the "Big DKW 3 = 6" (F93 / 94) and the only Auto Union passenger car with the …
Restorasi motor klasik DKW Union Tahun 1955 (Made in …
Motor klasik sekaligus motor antik yang sudah langka dijalanan brosis. Merk DKW sendiri mungkin juga asing seperti motor merk Jawa yang pernah mengaspal di Indonesia. Salah satu koleksi Bro Indra yang melakukan restorasi motor tua 2 tak dengan kubikasi 125 cc ini yakni DKW Union Tahun 1955 (Made in Germany). Monggo disimak gans…