Microstructural and tribological characterization of DLC coatings ...
2020年5月15日 · DLCs by HiPIMS and PIID show a higher gross spallation resistance. H/E ratio is higher for the DLC by PECVD. The most wear-resistant DLC is the one by PECVD. In this work, three plasma-enhanced techniques have been used to deposit Diamond-like Carbon coatings (DLCs), as follows: HiPIMS, PECVD, and PIID.
用RF-PECVD法制备类金刚石薄膜 - cjmr.org
用射频等离子体增强化学气相沉积 (RF-PECVD)法在硅衬底上沉积类金刚石 (DLC)薄膜,通过控制甲烷 (CH4)与氩气 (Ar)流量的比值 (V C H 4 / V A r)分别在上极板和下极板上沉积制备出一系列DLC薄膜,用Raman光谱等检测技术表征了DLC薄膜的结构、表面粗糙度、表面形貌和硬度。
Deposition of DLC (PECVD) - scia Systems GmbH
DLC is an amorphous form of carbon with a significant fraction of sp 3 bonds, and thus with akin properties as diamond. The high hardness of this material is useful for protective coatings of tools, hard discs, MEMS, or optics (esp. EUV-optics). Another application is the coating of compression molds for ultra-precise glass molding.
Study on properties of diamond-like carbon films deposited by RF …
2023年10月1日 · Presents a study of Diamond-like Carbon films with different sp 3 content (35–70 %). The investigated DLC films were deposited by the RF ICP PECVD technique. Structural, optical, electrical and mechanical properties were investigated. Points out versatility of DLC films for GaAs/InGaAs-based optoelectronic devices.
Influence of DLC Coatings Deposited by PECVD Technology on …
2020年9月25日 · The functional role of forming an adhesive sublayer based on (CrAlSi)N immediately before the application of the external DLC film by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) technology in the composition of a multicomponent gas mixture containing tetramethylsilane was established in the article.
本文介绍采用PECVD 技术在平面工件表面、活塞环表面和管道内表面快速沉积压应力(贫 Si 层)和张应力(富 Si 层)交替的超厚DLC 膜层。 研究结果表明,在 M2 高速钢和活塞环功能面上均能沉积30 μm以上的DLC 膜,膜层的摩擦学性能优异;在管道内壁沉积的DLC 膜厚度在好。
The model enables identification and optimization of film thickness uniformity sensitivities to electrode configuration, temperature deposition system design and gas flow distribution. PECVD deposition utilizes co-planar 300mm diameter electrodes with separate RF power matching to …
Evaluation of the sp3/sp2 ratio of DLC films by RF-PECVD and its ...
2020年11月2日 · In this paper, DLC films are fabricated by RF-PECVD. Characterization methods of XPS, Raman spectroscopy, and IR absorption have been used to determine the sp 3 /sp 2 ratio of DLC films. UV/visible light absorption method has applied to evaluate Eg.
Characterization of structural and mechanical properties of DLC …
2023年5月15日 · In this study, we deposited ta-C on three-dimensional parts by the FCVA method and evaluated the microstructure and surface morphology of the film in comparison with the plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) method. Films were successfully coated over the entire surface of both millimeter- and nanometer-sized trench patterns.
RF-PECVD具有沉积温度低、膜层质量好、适于在介质基片上沉积薄膜等优点,是目前最常用的DLC薄膜制备方法之一。 可以想象电容式RF-PECVD原理示意图,其反应室由两块电极组成,射频功率通过电容耦合到较小的放置基片的电极上,另一电极 (常常包含反应室内壁 ...