直接液體冷卻伺服器機架 - GIGABYTE 技嘉科技
隨著電力使用成為資料中心的主要限制因素,直接液體冷卻(DLC,Direct Liquid Cooling)技術不僅能降低用於冷卻伺服器的能耗,還能在密集運算配置中確保伺服器的穩定峰值效能。
CoolIT Systems | Liquid Cooling Technology
Rack Manifolds are organized for a manual connection at the front or back of the rack, are flexible and can be arranged vertically or horizontally within a rack. CoolIT’s Chassis Manifolds are designed specifically for blade-style servers for customers who want the simplicity of blind-mating dry-break quick disconnects.
GIGABYTE直接液體冷卻解決方案 | 解決方案 - GIGABYTE 技嘉科技
技嘉 dlc 解決方案可輕鬆整合至「液對氣」或「液對液」的冷卻分配單元 (cdu),可在最小的更改範圍內將冷卻系統整合進現有資料中心中的硬體設備。 我們更導入了新的冷卻技術──後門式熱 …
Diving Deep into the Liquid Server Cooling Choices | Dell
2024年5月3日 · If we fast forward to 2024, we’re supplying server cooling solutions, like the Dell DLC3000 DLC rack that Verne Global is using and the Dell modular data centers that offer up to 115 kW per rack. Previous blogs have covered the cooling requirements of the latest CPUs and GPUs and the different cooling options supported by the PowerEdge portfolio.
CoolIT液體冷卻運算系統 | 解決方案 - GIGABYTE 技嘉科技
直接液體冷卻(DLC)系統可運用常溫進水,採密閉式液冷設計。它使用被動式水冷循環板(Passive Cold Plate Loops)和分歧管(Rack Manifold)將所有熱量帶出機櫃,利用CDU(Cooling Distribution Unit) 提供循環動力,使CDU二次側輸出的溫水直接在主機外進行熱交換。
Technology - CoolIT Systems
DLC is a technology that uses warm liquid rather than cold air to dissipate heat from computer and server components. By capturing component heat in a liquid path, DLC allows for higher component performance and reliability, higher densities and decreased data center operating expenses through a decrease, or elimination of, chillers and CRACs.
OCtoRack 42 DLC | 2CRSi
OCtoRack 42 DLC. 42OU rack based on OCP's OpenRack principles with an enhanced direct liquid cooling solution to achieve up to 65kW in a single rack. Compatible for OCtoPus servers family.
7100120 OCP ORV3 rack - Rittal
The Rittal OCP ORV3 rack is OCP accepted and ready for immediate use. Simple modifications and enhancements can be made as and when required, thanks to the range of accessories. The OCP ORV3 rack can also accommodate a Direct Liquid Cooling (DLC) solution.
Installation and startup service for direct liquid-cooled systems …
The installation and startup service for direct liquid-cooled (DLC) systems from HPE provides for the installation of the DLC rack from HPE and the Rack Cooling Distribution Unit (CDU). The service provides site readiness verification, installation planning and management, unpacking, plug-ins for the system, hose connection of the CDU to ...
These AALC solutions manage up to 100kW of heat load from DLC-enabled racks and can be customized to fit various data center environments. Active Rear Door Heat Exchangers (RDHx) enable hybrid cooling by providing additional air-cooling to DLC solutions when 100% heat capture and a room neutral solution is required.