DLD Books
David's book about self-publishing: Self-Publishing Tools, Tips, and Techniques Client List. To see a list of our clients, please click here. Our Services. We proofread, edit, and format clients' books and prepare the books for publication. Please note that we are not publishers. The books are self–published under the clients' names.
Shelley McMullen - dldbooks.com
Shelley brings the challenges of a blind woman into focus for us sighted readers. I was touched by the struggles and shed tears of joy in the final chapters, where Shelley overcame so much. I love this book and plan on sharing it with others. I hope the book blesses every single person who reads it and that many, many people read it.
Woody Livingston - dldbooks.com
E-Book. The e-book edition of I Can't See You, I'm Deaf is available at the following online store: Amazon; Print Editions. The print editions of I Can't See You, I'm Deaf are available at the following online store: Amazon (Paperback) Amazon (Hardcover)
DLD Books
In other cases, we have formatted and published books that we did not edit. Some clients have their own websites and so, unlike those listed above, do not have pages hosted here. The following list includes some of these clients, as well as …
Lynda McKinney Lambert - dldbooks.com
In her first book, Concerti: Psalms for the Pilgrimage (Kota Press, 2003), Lynda invites readers to begin a pilgrimage through poems, historical notes, and journal reflections written during her summers in Austria and other European countries. This publication marked the beginning of her literary journey that continues with the publication of ...
Michael W. Moran - DLD Books
Michael has written about his life's lessons in this profound and revealing book. May it touch your heart and inspire you to right action as his life continues to touch mine and many others. Much love and many blessings,
Sally Rosenthal - DLD Books
(Excerpted by Leonore Dvorkin, Editor, DLD Books) The Introduction provides insight into the author's themes in this collection: aging, caregiving, circumstance, loss, and living alone. In her intimate opening poem, "Across My Kitchen Table," Sally presents her …
Anthony R. Candela
The author, Anthony R. Candela, felt so compelled. This book represents a sampling of moments in his life between June 2021 and April 2024 and the essays he felt moved to write about them. The pieces in this book illustrate his reactions to a wide variety of …
In addition to editing the book, Editors will take care of all formatting and uploading of the manuscript in order for the book to be published in e−book and print by Smashwords and Amazon. Editors will also design
Alice Jane-Marie Massa - DLD Books
For the first decade, I received books from the cooperating library in Indiana (Indianapolis); since 1991, I have been receiving audio books from the Wisconsin Talking Book and Braille Library. In recent years, I have been able to download audio books from this library service.