Free drawing mini-DLG 1 meter - RC Groups
2008年3月28日 · Plans are still available, july 15 2023[/B][/COLOR] Hello, Looking for a easy to build and good flying Mini-DLG? Have a look at https://mimi.f3k.nl/ Mail to [email protected] for a free electronic copy of the MiMI plan. Some people are having troubles with spamfilters, if so send me a PM with your email address. Regards Frans
Scratch Built DLG - FREE Plans - RC Groups
2021年10月14日 · Scratch Built DLG, on the cheap. Dan81: DLG Hand Launch Gliders & F3K: 13163: Jun 30, 2024 05:51 PM: Discussion: 30" scratch built DLG: wb156: DLG Hand Launch Gliders & F3K: 74: Oct 17, 2023 12:11 AM: Build Log: Scratch Built F4U- Corsair (Bud Nosen Plans) Bigbird4me: Giant Scale Airplanes: 25: Aug 31, 2022 08:15 PM: Question: Resized Plan ...
Free HLG/DLG plans? - RC Groups
2004年7月7日 · If you're new to HLG/DLG you're probably best off starting with an already proven DL design. There aren't many, if any, free DLG plans out there for built-up balsa, but the Bug plans are about $10 shipped to your door from RCm&E and if you read the Yahoo group for the Bug there are mods to allow it to be discus launched.
Building the Lightnin' Bug - a Micro DLG - RC Groups
2021年2月23日 · Full size plans can be printed by local office supply places (Staples, etc.) for less than $10. The plan contains a Creative Commons License on the plan, which makes managing of the copyright easy. You can also print them with your home printer and tape the plan together. The plans show two different airfoils for the wing. The 3014 and the AG37.
1.2m Icarus DLG Glider Plans - RC Groups
2009年9月28日 · Got my inspire from a blend of sources including the Mimi by Frans Bal, Drela's SuperGee and came up with a 48" Rudder Elevator dlg. The wing uses AG foils in a two section approach like the Mimi, solid balsa LE taken to about 40% and …
Evo Fire (Woody) DLG Build - RC Groups
2022年11月3日 · Evolution W the REvolution of the Woody DLG: TDM30076: DLG Hand Launch Gliders & F3K: 1627: Nov 03, 2022 03:21 PM: Yippee! I'm getting a woodie- woodie builds :) atmosteve: Thermal Soaring: 18037: May 15, 2022 01:54 PM: Build Log: The "Goldfinch", a (soon to be modified to 52") wingspan DLG Woody scratch-build. Pauliwog: DLG Hand Launch Gliders ...
Ocean Breeze laser cut build - RC Groups
2024年10月4日 · I'm looking for plans that i can use to lasercut parts for a DLG in my neighbours garage who has a laser cutter. It will be a lot of fun figuring things out and building this plane with his help. I have the tools and knowledge for building a DLG from a (short) kit but adding my neighbour and his laser cutter into the project will boost the fun.
1m DLG Build- - RC Groups
2021年2月23日 · The SuperGee plans scaled to 1m has this dimension as ~340mm (TE wing to LE stab.) 65mm longer than yours. I understand reducing the boom length will reduce AUW further checking out other production 1m DLGs and comparing this same dimension:
Project Rays - Manta - RC Groups
2009年12月2日 · Build Log Project Rays - Manta DLG Hand Launch Gliders & F3K
Two piece wing foamboard DLG - RC Groups
2021年4月8日 · This foamboard dlg wing is basicaly a hot-wire cut foam core sheeted with layers of paper-covered foamboard and packing tape. I cut 1.25-1.5 mm thick paper covered (from one side) sheets from dollarama foamboard (cutting process will be shown in forthcoming posts). Then I glue these thin sheets to foam cores. Here are pics of foam cores.