Agricultural and Food Tests - DLG e.V.
With its own scientifically developed and professionally recognized methods and prestigious awards, the DLG is a leader in the quality assurance and promotion of foodstuffs, operating resources and agricultural and vehicle technology. The DLG programme promotes animal-friendly husbandry of dairy cows.
Prüfberichte - DLG e.V.
Vergleichende Suche zu Kraftstoffverbrauch bei Traktoren in der "DLG-PowerMix-App". Ergebnisse der Betriebsmittel-Produktgruppen bzw. Positivlisten der mit einem DLG-Qualitätssiegel ausgezeichneten Produkte.
Test Reports - DLG e.V.
Comparative search for tractor fuel consumption in the "DLG-PowerMix-App". Results of the input product groups and positive lists of products awarded a DLG quality seal. Information for manufacturers
德国农业协会(德宜农(北京)农业科技服务 ... - DLG
2022年4月22日 · dlg 的认证标志 “dlg-approved” 和由 dlg 出具的涵盖农业设备、动物畜舍设施以及农场投入品的检测报告,为欧洲农民提供了权威的专家评估和强大的农业数据信息参考,80%的欧盟农场主将其视为投资方向和实际购买力执行的重要依据。
直击Agritechnica 2015:DLG检测中心向20家企业的33项产品授予检 …
As an EU-notified test laboratory with multiple accreditations, the DLG Test Center Technology and Farm Inputs provides farmers and practitioners with important information and decision-making aids, in the form of its recognised technology tests and DLG tests, to assist in the planning of investments in agricultural technologies and farm inputs.
This test focuses on testing a product’s individual qualitative criteria, e.g. fatigue strength, performance, or quality of work. The scope of testing can include criteria from the testing framework of a DLG SignumTest, the DLG’s extensive usability test for technical products, and concludes with the publishing of a test report
Qualitätssicherung und Tests DLG Testservice - DLG TestService …
An den drei Standorten Frankfurt am Main, Gau-Bickelheim und Groß-Umstadt bietet die DLG TestService ein umfangreiches Spektrum an Dienstleistungen in den Bereichen Qualitätsprüfungen, Qualitätsmanagement, Qualitätssicherung, Audits, Zertifizierungen, Auszeichnungen sowie kundenspezifische Qualitätsprojekte sowie Forschung und Entwicklung ...
Quality assurance and tests DLG test service - DLG TestService …
With its own scientifically developed and professionally recognised methods, as well as an international network of experts and partner institutes, DLG TestService is a leader in the quality assurance and promotion of foodstuffs, operating resources …
Agricultural technology and Farm Inputs - DLG e.V.
We are one of the leading international testing and certification organisations in the fields of tractors, agricultural technology and farm inputs. The DLG's own test methods are developed based on practical experience and by neutral commissions.
This catalogue lists all tests and services which the DLG Test Center for Technology and Farm Inputs currently provides for machinery, components and technology. The DLG engineers test your developments and innovations using the most advanced