DM-2 | 40-Taper Mill | Drill-Mill Machines - Haas Automation Inc.
The DM-2 is a compact, high-speed machining center built with proven Haas components and sub-assemblies. It is identical in construction and specifications to the DM-1, with the addition of 8" of X-axis travel and table length.
The New Haas DM-2 and DT-2 - Haas Automation Inc.
Bob and Bryan talk about the new Haas DM-2 and DT-2, and show a great cutting demo that highlights the machines’ features, like 2400 ipm rapids and tool changes in less than 1 second. Due to the huge popularity of the lightning-fast DM-1 and DT-1, Haas has created larger versions of those machines for customers wanting more travel to run ...
DM-2 - Haas Automation UK - Drill/Mill high-speed machine
The DM-2 is a compact, high-speed machining centre built with proven Haas components and sub-assemblies. It is identical in construction and specifications to the DM-1, with the addition of 8″ of X-axis travel and table length.
DM-2 | SK 40-Fräsmaschine | Bohr-Fräsmaschinen - Haas …
Die DM-2 ist ein kompaktes ”High-Speed”-Bearbeitungszentrum mit den bewährten Komponenten und Unterbaugruppen von Haas. Die DM-2 ist vom Aufbau und von den technischen Daten her mit der DM-1 identisch, bietet jedoch zusätzliche 203 mm X-Achsenverfahrweg und Tischlänge.
HAAS DM2: Features, Specifications, and Reviews - CNC Machines
The HAAS DM2 is a compact, high-speed CNC machine designed for drilling, tapping, and milling operations. It works by using a vertical spindle that moves along the X, Y, and Z axes to cut materials with precision.
CNC数控钻铣床 - DM-2 - Haas Automation/哈斯 - 3轴 / 高速 / 紧 …
DM-2 是采用 Haas 成熟组件和半成品总成制造的紧凑型高速加工中心。 它的构造和规格与 DM-1 相同,而且增加了 203 毫米的 X 轴行程和工作台长度。 DM-2 机床配备经过车间验证的 40 锥度内嵌式主轴、18+1 刀库、高加速度、快速加工速度,以及异常短暂的换刀时间 ...
Used HAAS DM2 Vertical Machining Center #7379 - CNC Machines
Introducing a sturdy 2017 HAAS DM2 Vertical Machining Center that is currently up for sale, aiming to attract the eyes and interests of machining enthusiasts, professionals, and companies in heavy industrial sectors or smalle...
哈斯 美国 HAAS 立式加工中心 DM-2 | 51机床网
DM-2 是采用 Haas 成熟组件和半成品总成制造的紧凑型高速加工中心。 它的构造和规格与 DM-1 相同,而且增加了 203 毫米的 X 轴行程和工作台长度。 DM-2 机床配备经过车间验证的 40 锥度内嵌式主轴、18+1 刀库、高加速度、快速加工速度,以及异常短暂的换刀时间 ...
DM-2 - HAAS AUTOMATION - PDF Catalogs | Technical …
Consult HAAS AUTOMATION's entire DM-2 catalogue on AeroExpo. Page: 1/4.
Haas VMC Comparison: VF-2, VF-2SS & DM-2 - YouTube
In this head-to-head video comparison, we run the same part, with the same tools, the same spindle taper, and the same speeds and feeds on three different machines. Find out which machine finishes...