EMD DE30AC - DM30AC | Trains and Railroads
The EMD DE30AC and DM30AC are a class of 46 locomotives built between 1997–1999 by Electro-Motive Division in the Super Steel Plant in Schenectady, New York, for the Long Island Rail Road of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) in New York. Originally divided equally between the two types, the fleet currently consists of 24 DE30AC ...
Pictures of LI 404
de30ac 404 Description: On the head end of Train 657 at Smithtown which usually has a cab car on the west end, but this time has a DE30AC on each end as 407 is on the rear.
DM30麦克风 | maono闪克
dm30安装使用视频 dm30的产品参数信息 dm30麦克风常见问题 dm30连接在电脑,不熄灭屏幕/熄屏
2015年2月28日 · Does anyone have any specific information (technical or involvement in a certain event) regarding DE30AC # 404? I'm making a mini documentary about this locomotive within the next few days.
铁影|长岛铁路的通勤列车_耿杰 - 搜狐
2020年1月9日 · 牡蛎湾线的列车车厢为C3型双层车,机车则为 美国通用汽车易安迪公司(GM-EMD)制造 的DE30AC双动力模块集中式机车,即通常所说的“双模式机车”,其实就是在传统的电传动内燃机车上加装电刷,使其既可以由柴油发电机供电,也可以直接从第三轨摄取电力,从而驱动电机产生动力。 也有 DM30AC型内燃模块集中式机车,这是“真正的”内燃机车,同样由 易安迪公司生产。 DE30AC型双模式机车(拍摄:耿杰) DM30AC型内燃机车(拍摄:耿杰) …
2025年3月17日 · Discussion of the past and present operations of the Long Island Rail Road. Question 1: Are the DE30AC and the DM30AC still being produced? Question 2: Are any other North American railroads considering ordering the DE30AC or the DM30AC? They were only produced for Long Island and if other railroads were smart, they'd stay away from it.
DE30AC - DM30AC ENGINES - trainsarefun.com
The LIRR limit for a single DE/DM30 is six C3 cars. Any train that operates with seven or more C3 cars is double-headed with DE/DM30s on both ends.
MTA's Caterpillar Media (1997-99 DE/DM30-AC, Page 1) - TTMG
Metropolitan Transportation Authority 1997-98 GM EMD DE30-AC & 1999 GM EMD DM30-AC Media Page, Page 1.
DE30AC and DM30AC on CSX - Page 2 - RAILROAD.NET
2025年1月28日 · DE30AC and DM30AC on CSX; Discussion of the past and present operations of the Long Island Rail Road.
EMD DE30AC and DM30AC - Wikipedia
The EMD DE30AC and DM30AC are a class of 46 locomotives built between 1997–1999 by Electro-Motive Division in the Super Steel Plant in Schenectady, New York, for the Long Island Rail Road of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) in New York. Originally divided equally between the two types, the fleet currently consists of 24 DE30AC ...