German Armor Blog: German 120mm Tank Ammunition
The DM53 APFSDS is the first design from Germany that is able to reliably defeat tanks equipped with Heavy ERA (like Kontakt-5). Its muzzle energy is 15% higher compared to its …
120mm Tank Gun KE Ammunition - Defense Update
2006年11月22日 · The DM53 round was designed to maximize the performance of KE projectiles fired from 120mm smoothbore guns such as the L44 (15% improvement) or L55 (30% improvement in muzzle energy). The DM53 is in service …
【翻译】120*570mm坦克弹药介绍 - 哔哩哔哩
120*570毫米是一种带有半可燃弹壳的一体式弹药。 其包括一个带有弹性密封圈的短金属短管,使得其可以使用普通的滑楔式后膛,同时显著降低了炮弹的重量。 因此,一发120mm的莱茵金属产APFSDS的重量可以轻到19.8公斤,仅比使用传统金属弹壳的105mm APFSDS稍重(18公斤) 不同国家有不同的方法来测量APFSDS的穿甲威力。 北约使用V50标准(这意味着50%的炮弹必须穿透钢板),而苏联/俄罗斯的标准更高(必须穿透80%)。 根据保罗·拉科夫斯基等权威人士的 …
【图片】(不定期更新)重新比较分析DM53,K279和10式,以及 …
结论:DM53相比M829A1,对重量的利用效率较低,长径比远远不到30(M829A1杆长660,杆径22才能达到30;而DM53长度小于640,直径大于22)。 但是这种重弹也有好处,估计对抗爆反时稳定性更高(德国人的宣传里就写了“针对先进爆反”),速降也小。
Ammunition Data - SBWiki - Steelbeasts.com
2024年7月2日 · The "Range" column indicates a given round's "maximum effective range" and the cutoff range for AI engagements, not the round's maximum possible range. This value is derived from published data representing such factors as tracer burnout (small arms and HMG), ballistic computer limitations, or the round's performance degrading …
How much 3BM60 has pen? - Ground Vehicle - War Thunder
2024年6月22日 · First off, 3BM60 currently has 666mm of penetration at 100 meters with standard testing: 60 degrees. Second, they use the Swiss mathematician’s equation for fairness and accuracy. 3BM60 has accurate pen currently. The only way it gets more pen is if you prove its rod is longer and/or has higher velocity out of the barrel.
urban scenarios. Used in the fi eld by many nations since 1980, Rheinmetall’s 120mm technology has progressed to be the world’s most innovative and established main battle tank armament …
DM63 Incorrect penetration and up to date rounds ~10 years
2023年11月24日 · DM53 and DM63 being used for 120mm. Gepard fires a sub-caliber F-APDS, they may have the same penetrator designation but they arent the same round. Ok? The only variant of DM63 we have in the game is the 105 mil one. Need I …
In regards of the 120mm CL3143 vs DM53 pen values.
2024年5月26日 · If my understanding of physics is still correct, than the higher mass and velocity of the CL round should result in more kinetic energy and with it a higher armor pen compared to DM53. I know they nerfed the CL rounds due to "historical accuracy" (which I still find doubtful) but it doesn´t make sense from a logical standpoint.
穿甲弹的级别到现在是怎么分的,M829A4和DM63属于同一级别 …
DM53/63与M829A2/A3不属于同一种技术的穿甲弹,穿甲弹穿甲本质是靠动能,但关键技术还有材料性能,DM53/63属于变性能穿甲弹,也就是穿杆不同部位有不同的硬度和韧性,利于在动能相当的情况下提高长径比扩大穿深,但依旧属于传统材料范围的穿甲弹,变性能穿 ...
关于dm53穿深 (原文在贴吧) - 哔哩哔哩
2024年2月21日 · 莱茵金属公司主导研制的120mm DM43 (LKE I)和DM53/63 (LKE II)可以算是21世纪动能ap弹的标杆。 u0000LKE I 和LKE II代表了两种发展思路,前者是所谓的“高速轻弹”策略,标准条件下(21℃),L44就能把7.25kg的弹丸加速到1740m/s,装药量仅8.4kg。
德美长杆次口径尾翼稳定脱壳穿甲弹的发展 - 哔哩哔哩
【微科普】你游的M829A2和DM53(L44) - 百度贴吧
相同体积与防护面积的情况下,垂直装甲还比倾斜有优势? 钢针这正转正怎么来的. 【微科普】你游的M8.. (看来放出来了就看图吧M829A2误差千分之八,来源杆长690-700,初速1670-1680,速降未知DM53 (L44)源于Dev,误差源于速降更改放出来了,快来水快来水 @😺地狱猫车长 @希灵次级审判长 @亚里士缺德♂ @akflyº @鲨鱼老末.
Should we get rounds like the DM63A1, DM73, M829A3, 3BM59 …
2024年2月2日 · If I remember correctly from the documents I have, dm53/53a1/63/63a1/73 all use the same penetrator. The main differences are propellent used and the gun they’re fired from. 120mm dm53 is the original fired from the L44. Dm63 is the designation when fired from the L55. A1 version is with the Insensitive scdb propellent.
为什么dm53穿深这么高? - 百度贴吧
2017年10月28日 · 为了提高穿甲弹的性能, 出现了用高密度铀合金(比如美军使用的贫铀穿甲弹)和钨合金(比如德国的DM-53) 制作弹芯的穿甲弹, 它们的穿甲能力更强, 对目标的毁伤效果也更好,成为大多数国家优先发展的主力弹药。 士兵手上抱着的即为DM53. 穿甲弹的长度是弹的重要指标。 实际上我们应当考察的要素是弹芯长度和直径的比例, 也就是所谓的长径比。 如果长径比不够大,会导致飞行体外形偏短粗,空气阻力太大,飞行过程中动能损失多,影响穿甲威力 …
The comprehensive APFSDS penetration datasheet
2023年6月30日 · Here’s a comprehensive list of tank APFSDS in-game with their in-game penetration of steel. Ammunition with 2 or more penetrations have different lengths of guns firing them. Any missing ammunition wi…
difference between ammunition :: War Thunder General Discussions
2024年3月9日 · DM53 has significantly more penetration capabilities at 500m than DM33. 610mm vs 470mm respectivelly. The primary change higher tier APFSDS rounds enable you to do is enable more shot placement forgiveness.
Large calibre – weapons and ammunition - Rheinmetall
Rheinmetall has developed the world's first temperature-independent high-performance tank ammunition, the DM 63 and DM 53 A1 (the latter is an upgraded version of the DM 53).
New 120 mm gun and ammunition; a 20% performance increase …
2021年3月5日 · This pressure increase is vital to obtain the performances increases that the two rounds under development will bring with them. The first one to enter service will be the DM73, which should reach qualification by year-end and will ensure an 8% performance increase over current DM53/DM63 rounds.
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