Delugan Meissl Associated Architects | DMAA
DMAA scrutinizes the classic task of architecture, arriving at controversial and contemporary answers. The following projects are currently under construction. Check out the latest pictures from the sites in Austria, Germany & China. Unparalleled Luxury. „Cities can …
上海世博文化公园温室 Delugan Meissl Associated Architects
Challenging conventional greenhouse design, DMAA has created a zero-energy building through sophisticated environmental strategies. Utilizing single glazing—a counterintuitive choice validated by precise simulative calculations—the structure minimizes energy consumption while maximizing natural light and plant health.
File:DMAA isomerization mechanism.png - Wikimedia Commons
2021年1月15日 · English: This graphic shows the isomerization of maleate to fumarate, aided by DMAA catalyst
The Metropolitan by DMAA - 谷德设计网 - gooood
Detroit Metropolitan Apartment Associatio | DMAA
2 天之前 · Detroit Metropolitan Apartment Association is a 501 (c)6 non-profit trade association for the multifamily housing industry. DMAA was founded in 2002, and currently represents apartment homes in Oakland, Wayne, Macomb, Lapeer, and St. Clair counties.
As part of the project THE LINE, innovative solutions to urban challenges are being tested in the shape of the vertical city concept. When folding the city together and extending it upwards, the advantages are immediately clear: a lower CO 2 footprint, better integration, more open space and improved sustainability.
dmaa国际数字营销峰会(dmaa summit)是由中国数字营销门户今日广告主办的数字营销行不可错过的年度盛典。 2017-2025,DMAA自创办以来一直以“数字营销创新”为宗旨,推动品牌传播数字化,力邀国际知名500强企业与顶尖行业公司参与,以专业视角和行业影响力为 ...
Expo Cultural Park Greenhouse Garden | DMAA
With a population of 23 million, the megacity of Shanghai is the focal point of China’s urban and international development. The sparsely inhabited industrial suburb of Pudong has become home to one of Asia’s most spectacular high-rise skylines, at the heart of …
N-二甲基丙烯酰胺(DMAA - 道客巴巴
更多相关文档 . n,n-二甲基丙烯酰胺产品说明(nndma) 星级: 4 页 N,N-二甲基丙烯酰胺合成工艺研究 星级: 61 页 N-(1,1-二甲基-3-氧代丁基)丙烯酰胺的合成
二甲基丙烯酰胺DMAA是一种性能优异的酰胺类单体,可适用于自由基光固化反应,广泛应用于UV涂料、UV油墨、UV胶黏剂等不饱和体系中。 在兼容性方面表现出色,DMAA溶于除正己烷以外的所有溶剂。 对绝大多数的基材材料都有很好的附着效果。 DMAA单体由于具有双键和酰胺基团,因而易于与各种单体进行多种聚合反应。 可以与水互溶,具有极强的吸湿性和抗静电性,适合做防雾涂层。 超低粘度、与树脂等具有很好的相溶性、固化收缩率低、附着力好等。 Copyright …