DMC 3705 Six Strand Floss - 123Stitch
Very Dark Fuchsia DMC floss. This quality embroidery floss is perfect for stitching on all types of fabric. Made with 100% long staple cotton. Double mercerized. Brilliant six-strand divisible thread. Colors are washable and fade resistant. Article 117. 8.7 yards.
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DMC 3705 Dark Melon - 6 Strand Embroidery Floss | Shabby Fabrics
DMC embroidery floss is ideal for stitching on all types of fabric. This superior quality thread is made from 100% long staple Egyptian cotton and double mercerized for a brilliant sheen. Ideal for hand embroidery and cross stitch projects. Color: Pink …
DMC 3705 Six-Strand Floss | Crossed Hearts Needlework & Design
DMC 3705 Six-Strand Floss $0.66 Usually ships within 7-10 days. Crossed Hearts Needlework & Design features a wide selection of Thread & Floss by DMC® including the very latest 2025 new releases!
DMC Floss 3705-3765 - Ben Franklin Online
Here you can find all DMC colors offered whose colors correspond to the numbers 3705 through 3765. Each skein is a brilliant, 6-strand, 8.7 yard long divisible thread made of double mercerized, long staple cotton fibers. Stock up today! DMC Floss is perfect for embroidering, cross-stitch projects and so much more!
DMC 3705 Cotton Embroidery Floss - Stitched Modern
DMC embroidery floss is a great choice for cross stitch, hand embroidery, and all kinds of craft projects. This color is DMC #3705 Melon - Dark. Made from 100% long staple Egyptian cotton and double mercerized for a brilliant sheen, it is comprised of six strands that can be easily separated, allowing you to adjust the
DMC 3705 Dark Melon 6 Strand Embroidery Floss - Fat Quarter Shop
8.7 yards of DMC 6-strand 100% Egyptian cotton cross stitch and embroidery floss
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DMC 3705 Watermelon - Stoney Creek Online Store
This premium thread is made up of six easily separated strands, which allows you to customize the thickness of the thread by choosing the number of strands. DMC Embroidery Floss is 100% colorfast and fade resistant. 8 metres per skein (8.7 yds). (800) 243-1410 [email protected]
DMC Floss - 3705 - Melon, Dark - creativeneedlearts.com
Gentle Art Sampler Threads are a colorfast, hand-dyed, and over-dyed 6 strand cotton floss. Available in a variety of beautiful colors that work well with cross stitch, embroidery, and punch needle. Sold in 5 yard skeins.
刺しゅう糸 『DMC 25番刺繍糸 3705番色』 DMC ディーエムシー …
500色の豊富なカラーバリエーション、そして輝くような艶を保ち、古くからDMC独自技法によって生み出されています。 世界中で愛されているDMCの25番糸。 500色の豊富なカラーバリエーション。 DMC25番糸は最高級の100%長繊維エジプト綿で作られるその品質は高く評価されています。 古くからDMC独自技法によって生み出された刺しゅう糸はとても柔らかく、二重シルケット加工を施すことにより、輝くような艶を保ちます。 分けやすい6本撚りの25番糸 …
DMC Mouliné Spécial 117MC-E_3705 - LetiStitch
DMC Embroidery thread Mouline Special 117MC - 3705 6 stranded, 8m DMC Stranded Cotton is The World's Favourite Embroidery Thread. DMC uses the world's finest long staple cotton and mercerise it twice to give your embroidery exceptional sheen. DMC´s 6 easily divisible strands allow you to vary the weight of your stitches to add depth to your ...