Panasonic Lumix DMC-FS3 - Wikipedia
The Panasonic Lumix DMC-FS3 is a digital ultracompact camera announced by Panasonic on January 29, 2008. It has eight megapixels , triple optical zoom , 16:9 wide VGA video recording at 30 frames per second, versatile scene modes , and an …
Panasonic Lumix DMC-FS3: Digital Photography Review
2008年1月29日 · Panasonic is pleased to introduce the new 8.1-megapixel DMC-FS3 with f2.8 Leica DC VARIO-ELMARIT lens with 3x optical zoom (equivalent to 33mm to 100 mm on a 35mm film camera) as part of the new Lumix FS series.
【松下FS3】报价_参数_图片_论坛_(Panasonic)松下 FS3GK报价 …
外观小巧,色泽清爽,性价比高,按键设置简单,易操作,显示屏的清晰度不错,对于一般家庭的使用者最合适不过,价位很合适。 刚买的相机,拍的PP,大大看看怎么样! 刚买的FS3GK,去云台山转了转,拍了点图片,大家看看怎么样! 欧达摄像机和松下FS3哪个更好? 欧达是什么?山寨品牌松下是什么?全球最大消费电子制造商有可比性吗? 该问题还没有人回答,回答问题就有机会被采纳并得到相应悬赏奖励。 我来回答. sailf s3型号跟哪些手机一样? 想买一个手机壳,但不 …
Panasonic Lumix DMC-FS3A 8.1MP Digital Camera with 3x MEGA …
The Panasonix Lumix DMC-FS3 features 8.1-megapixels resolution, a f2.8 Leica DC Vario-Elmarit lens, 3x optical zoom, and Panasonic s Intelligent Auto Mode. Also included is a new image-processing LSI, the Venus Engine IV, which contains a more advanced signal processing technology for rendering higher-quality images and produces a faster ...
- 评论数: 49
松下DMC-FS3规格参数 - xitek.com
dmc-fs3 搭载了810万有效像素1/2.5型ccd,23万像素2.5英寸彩色tft lcd。3倍光学变焦镜头 ,等效135画幅33~100mm的焦距范围,最高感光度iso1600。支持ia智能场景识别功能,具备了o.i.s光学防抖、高质量视频拍摄功能。...(详细内容)
Panasonic Lumix DMC-FS3 相機優點及缺點、用家評價
最緊要我買fs3係跟pccw的約,+$880買,再加上原廠電$280,相機袋$60,4GB SDHC $88 成set野$1300左右,平過買普通dc,仲要lumix機好難買到呢個價....
- 评论数: 4
Panasonic Lumix DMC-FS3 8 to 10 Megapixel
The Panasonic Lumix DMC-FS3 is a 8.1-Megapixel Compact Digital Camera with 33mm Lens, 3x Optical Zoom, Intelligent Auto Mode and 2.5" Diagonal Intelligent LCD.
- 评论数: 1
概要 デジタルカメラ DMC-FS3 | LUMIX(ルミックス) ミラーレ …
パナソニックの「デジタルカメラ DMC-FS3」の概要ページです。
松下FS3|Panasonic DMC-FS3_参数_图片_报价_样张_文章_点评_论 …
松下 dmc-fs3 (2008年上市) 参考价格: ¥1112; 地区报价: 北京 上海 广东; 机身类型: 入门卡片相机 传感器类型: ccd
Panasonic Lumix DMC-FS3: Digital Photography Review
2008年1月29日 · Budget slimline 8.1 megapixel point and shoot compact with slightly wider than average 33-100mm (equiv.) zoom and Pansonic's well respected MEGA OIS optical image stabilization system. Decent feature mix for the price and point, and shoot simplicity thanks to an 'Intelligent Auto' mode. April 2009.
- 评论数: 5