DMC 210 U (FD) - 5-axis milling - DMG MORI
Highest long-term accuracy due to cooled linear guideways and active spindle growth control. Lower energy consumption through intelligent needs-based power units. Gantry design with vertically moving cross beam with hydraulic weight compensation. Fast innovative wheel type magazine with up to 303 tools with minimized footprint.
DMU 210 P (FD) - DMG MORI5轴铣削 - DMG MORI China
DECKEL MAHO龙门系列加工中心 – 装机量已超过1,000台。 冷却的直线导轨和主动式主轴热膨胀控制,确保高长期精度。 智能按需供电的电源,减少能源消耗。 桥式结构,垂直可动的横梁 …
DMU 210 P | Products - DMG MORI
2016年4月29日 · The model enables 5-sided/5-axis machining with one setup, contributing to improvement of customers' productivity. The DMU 210 P comes with a NC rotary table as standard and handles workpieces up to 10,000 kg (option).
DMC 210 FD | Products - DMG MORI
2016年4月29日 · The DMC 210 FD is equipped with a FD table with the direct drive and a high-speed pallet changer, which enables the operator to do setups for the next process during machining. The model achieves 5-sided/5-axis machining and turning on one machine, ensuring efficient machining of large workpieces.
User friendly setting of the machine dynamics with included DMG MORI knowhow; Time saving in roughing; High surface finish during finishing
dmg mori 用于 fds 机床的标准磨削循环不能磨削 3d 轮廓。 左:不同的刀具设置,用于改变 ULTRASONIC 磨削刀具的啮合点。 / 右:磨削工具的简单设置,包括边缘半径。
数控车削铣削中心 - DMU 210 P (FD) - DMG MORI/德马吉森精机
DirectIndustry(工业在线展会)为您提供数控车削铣削中心产品详细信息。规格型号:DMU 210 P (FD),公司品牌:DMG MORI/德马吉森精机。直接联系品牌厂商,查询价格和经销网络。寻找更多国外精选数控车削铣削中心产品和供应商采购信息,尽在DirectIndustry。
DMC 210 U 5-Axis CNC Machining - Keller Technology Corporation
With widest spindle range on the market, best surface quality, and milling and turning in one setup, the DMC 210 U is efficient, effective and ready for any large, complex CNC machining job. Request a custom quote
The high precision variant µPRECISION of the DMU | DMC 210 / 270 with a volumetric accuracy of down to 20 μm ( DMU | DMC 210 µPRECISION) is unique worldwide. In order to achieve the required accuracy, the guideways undergo over 500 hours of hand scraping. To achieve perfect machining results over the entire
5-axis machining – 210 / 270 / 340 portal milling machines. With the most advanced technology and unrivaled precision, these portal machines are setting new standards for 5-sided machining and 5-axis simultaneous production. Their patented optimized 5-axis design is ready to meet all production challenges, across all industries worldwide.