DMG MORI USA is a leading global supplier of metal-cutting machine tools for turning, milling and grinding as well as additive manufacturing.
CNC Machines for all Applications - DMG MORI USA
With around 20 series, DMG MORI serves almost every segment of turning technology. Versatile universal lathes increase production capacities in every production, while innovative Turn & Mill machines enable 6-sided complete machining of the most demanding geometries. High-efficiency production lathes enable efficient series production.
DMX 80 U - 5-axis milling - DMG MORI
Universal pallet handling from DMG MORI. Control directly via the machine control system; High variability of available configurations from 24 round pallets of ø 148 to four 500 × 500 mm pallets; Up to 150 kg workpiece weight as standard (optionally expandable to 250 kg) Possibility to prioritize orders
Automation of CNC Machines - DMG MORI
DMG MORI Connect offers you everything to make your machines ready for the digital future e.g. reduced downtimes due to automatic notification in the case of unplanned stoppages, or faster troubleshooting with NETservice – over 60 % of all problems can be solved remotely.
DMP Series - Vertical milling - DMG MORI
Exclusive DMG MORI technology cycles available; 19" DMG MORI SLIMline multi-touch control panel and SIEMENS 840 D sl
NHX 6300 - Horizontal milling - DMG MORI
User friendly setting of the machine dynamics with included DMG MORI knowhow; Time saving in roughing; High surface finish during finishing
NTX 500 - Turn & Mill Machines - DMG MORI
Integrated digitization of the DMG MORI machines & the shop floor: CELOS Machine: APP-based user interface with access to all production-related information; CELOS Manufacturing: 27 CELOS APPs for the optimal preparation & processing of orders; Digital Factory: Continuous digital workflows from planning to production & service
Davis production site - DMG MORI USA
Davis is DMG MORI’s hub for manufacturing and automation solutions in the United States. The 14-acre, 221,000 square foot factory can produce up to 100 machines per month using completely carbon free energy.
DMG MORI USA Online Shop
Experience a new way of shopping for your DMG MORI CNC machine tool OEM Spare Parts anytime, anywhere 24/7. Place your parts order today via the online shop.
Robo2Go Turning - Robot automation system by DMG MORI
Robo2Go Turning - DMG MORI Robot automation solution – process, machine and automation from a single source.