Test Dusts - DMT GROUP
DMT GmbH & Co. KG offers test and standard dusts for various sectors of industry and areas of application, from filter technology to the automotive industry.
DMT Test Dust Type 8® |
The DMT test dust type 8® consists of 70 % DMT mineral dust type 3, 20 % cellulose dust and 10 % cut cotton according to the above mentioned standards. In contrast to real house dust, DMT …
DMT Mineral Dust Type 1 | | Standard test dust - DMT …
DMT Dolomit mineral dust, also known as hard floor dust or crevice dust, meets the specifications of the IEC 62885-2 / IEC 60312 / DIN EN 60312-1 Chap. In addition to the fine …
DMT Test Dust Type 8 (上海砺治商贸有限公司
德国DMT(DMT GmbH & Co),经验丰富的试验粉尘供应商之一,能提供各种符合标准、非标订制的试验杂质,是一些欧洲企业,尤其是德系企业指定的粉尘供应商。 美国PTI公 …
Standard test dust | Test Dusts - DMT GROUP
The DMT coal dust EN 60079-1 is used, among other applications, for testing device protection through flameproof encapsulation. The requirements are defined in the Code of federal …
Test dusts | DMT GROUP
DMT manufactures test dusts to a large variety of specifications for filter tests or environmental tests. The dusts comply with the relevant standards (standard test dust) and meet individual …
DMT GmbH - Dust
DMT Test Dust Type 8® This synthetic vacuum cleaner test dust specified in the standard DIN IEC 60312 is used, among other things, to determine suction performance loss when the …
德国DMT test dust type 8粉尘 无压力损失标号灰尘_价格_上海瑞 …
德国 DMT 试验粉尘对于房屋通风系统过滤器应用比较广泛; 日本 JIS 试验粉尘的也应用在滤清器行业和电子行业; 德国DMT试验粉尘系列介绍(共 27 款): 1/ DMT test dust 粉尘. 2/ IEC …
德国DMT测试粉尘 模拟家庭灰尘 DMT 8混合灰 DMT8灰 上 …
上海瑞贝贸易有限公司主要致力于“德国dmt测试粉尘 模拟家庭灰尘 dmt 8混合灰 dmt8灰”的生产销售。 多年的“德国DMT测试粉尘 模拟家庭灰尘 DMT 8混合灰 DMT8灰”生产与销 …
Test Dusts - DMT GROUP
With more than 50 different test dusts, DMT GmbH & Co. KG is one of the largest test dust manufacturers and suppliers worldwide. You can easily order our standard and test dusts in …