The DMU 1000 SE is a special edition of the DMU 600 P large 5-axis portal machine with high machining accuracy, high rigidity, and up to two tables. When connected, the two tables allow for machining of up to 13,000 mm casting. Drilling and milling are performed in a single setup for process integration of large workpieces.
DMU Series - 5 Axis Milling - DMG MORI
The Universal Milling Machines of the DMU Series are offering the economical entry into 5-axes machining up to 5-axes simultaneous machining The rigid swivel rotary table allows a swivel range up to 110° With spindle speeds up to 20,000 rpm the DMU is suited for an universal use from education up to the demanding production
DMU 1000 SEは、門型構造を採用しており、高い加工精度と剛性を実現する大型5軸加工機DMU 600 P をベースに、テーブルを2つ配置可能な特別仕様(Special Edition)です。テーブル連結時には、最大13,000㎜ の大物鋳物の加工が可能です。
Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound (DMU) < University of Missouri
DMU 1000: Introduction to Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound. Introduction to the profession of diagnostic medical ultrasound. Imaging characteristics, educational requirements, professional trends. Observation opportunities. Graded on S/U basis only. Credit Hour: 1 Prerequisites: Departmental consent required
duoBLOCK Series - 5 Axis Milling - DMG MORI
DMU duoBLOCK. The 5-axis machines in the highly stable duoBLOCK design allow the highest machining performance with upt to 1,800 Nm spindle torque with the 5X torqueMASTER und highest part accuracy with a machine accuracy of up to 4 µm with high dynamics with up to 60,000 mm/min feed speed. From hard-to-cut materials such as those found in the ...
DMU 100 P (FD) duoBLOCK - 5 Axis Milling - DMG MORI
powerMASTER motorspindle with 1,000 Nm and 77 kW; 5X torqueMASTER with 1,800 Nm and 52 kW; Efficiency. Low space requirements, extremely compact wheel magazine with short tool replenishment time of max. 5.6 sec with 453 tool pockets; Optimal ease of maintenance and ideal ergonomics thanks to unrestricted accessibility; High machine availability ...
NTX 1000 - Turn & Mill Machines - DMG MORI
Available for 13 series, e. g. NLX, NTX, NHX, DMU, NMV, eVo, etc. Highlights - Pallet Handling Ideal for the flexible production of 50 to 200 workpieces / day
DMU 遗传评估从入门到出家系列 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
DMU是一个 数量遗传学 工具包,主要功能包括估计方差组分和固定效应,预测育种值。 DMU的开发历史可以追溯到25年前,大部分功能基于数量遗传学研究的需求而开发。 在丹麦动物育种研究中,DMU是一个主要的统计研究工具(估计和预测)。 此外,DMU也应用于丹麦牛,羊,貂和马等常规遗传评估研究。 因此,DMU不但在一些特定的项目中具备高性能优势,也适用于常规数量遗传学研究。 “DMU”名称最初来自于程序包中用来进行初始化的过程名字缩写。 这些过程利用 …
DMU 100 P (FD) duoBLOCK - DMG MORI5轴铣削 - DMG MORI …
powerMASTER 电主轴,扭矩 1,000 Nm和功率77 kW; 5X torqueMASTER主轴,扭矩1,800 Nm和功率52 kW; 高效率. 超紧凑453位轮式刀库,占地少,换刀时间短,最多5.6秒; 优异的接近性能,轻松接近维护部位和操作舒适; 高达96 %的机床可用性
DMU Baureihe - 5-Achs-Fräsen - DMG MORI Deutschland
Die Universal Fräsmaschinen der DMU Baureihe bieten den preiswerten Einstieg in die 5-Achs Bearbeitung bis hin zur 5-Achs Simultanbearbeitung. Der stabile Schwenkrundtisch erlaubt Schwenkbereiche bis 110°.