Department of Motor Vehicles | Government of the Virgin Islands
To provide efficient and accurate services in vehicle licensing matters and to promote driver safety in compliance with the road traffic legislation of the Territory. The overall objective of the …
User account | DMV - Gov
You may login with either your assigned username or your e-mail address. The password field is case sensitive.
Welcome to DMV | DMV - Gov
To provide efficient and accurate services in vehicle licensing matters and to promote driver safety in compliance with the road traffic legislation of the Territory. The overall objective of the …
BMV | USVI Bureau of Motor Vehicles
Use our new online service to update your primary physical address, update your mailing address, renew & duplicate - identification card and driver's license, renew your vehicle’s registration, …
Department of Motor Vehicles Services - Government of the …
Driver's License - Name Change Driver's License Test - Theory Issuance of Virgin Islands Driver's License Licensing of Motor Vehicle Motor Vehicle Registration Purchase of Motor Vehicle …
Issuance of Virgin Islands Driver's License
How do I obtain a Virgin Islands Driver’s License? Requirements: Step 1: Once the applicant is 18 years of age or older, they must first register in person at the department using their valid …
Drivers License – BMV | USVI Bureau of Motor Vehicles
To obtain a driver's license for the 1st time you must be at least 16 years old. The following steps must be completed: 1. Medical Application Form must be filled out and turned in by the …
Online Services – BMV | USVI Bureau of Motor Vehicles
Skip the Line, Renew or Duplicate Here! 1. Register at MyBMV.bmv.vi.gov. 2. Access and Select Account to Make a Payment. 3. Pay and Obtain a Receipt via Email or Print. 4. Vehicle …
Home [mybmv.bmv.vi.gov]
To access these online services, you must have a BMV eServicing User Account. The USVI Bureau of Motor Vehicles provides a coordinated delivery of services to the motoring public in …
Licensing of Motor Vehicle - Government of the British Virgin Islands
Requirements to license a vehicle: Insurance certificate that is valid for no less than 3 months and no more than 1 year. Step 1: Present Vehicle and Insurance to the Inspection Officer for …