Mechanisms and regulation of DNA end resection in the ... - Nature
3 天之前 · DNA end resection is a crucial early step in most DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair pathways. Resection involves the nucleolytic degradation of 5′ ends at DSB sites to generate 3′ single ...
Mechanism for local attenuation of DNA replication at double …
2025年2月19日 · Here we show that DSBs induce a local genome maintenance mechanism that inhibits replication initiation in DSB-containing topologically associating domains (TADs) without affecting DNA...
Nuclear and genome dynamics underlying DNA double-strand …
2025年3月17日 · Moreover, inhibition of DNA-PKcs in human cells, which strongly impairs DSB repair, boosts DSB clustering and D-compartment formation 33,34,207. These findings suggest that compartmentalization of ...
Nature子刊:中山大学松阳洲团队发现DNA损伤修复通路的新选 …
DNA双链断裂(DNA double-strand break,DSB)是一种常见且高度有害的DNA损伤形式,严重威胁着基因组稳定性和细胞存活。 DSB修复缺陷或失调与肿瘤、衰老以及免疫缺陷等密切相关。
Nature | 刘丽萍/严振鑫等报导DNA断裂诱导修复的新机制 - 知乎
断裂诱导复制 (Break-induced replication , BIR)是一种依赖 同源序列模板 进行DNA合成并修复的过程,专门修复单一末端的DNA双链断裂(one-ended DSB),比如破裂的 复制叉结构 (replication fork collapse)和侵蚀的 端粒结构 (telomere erosion)。 BIR途径和癌细胞的基因组不稳定性密切相关。 BIR过程中,DSB的双链末端首先被加工成3’单链末端并结合 重组酶Rad51,其次重组酶驱动单链DNA寻找并侵入同源序列,并以同源序列作为模板合成新的DNA …
Origin, Recognition, Signaling and Repair of DNA Double …
Achromosomal double-strand break (DSB) can arise from multiple sources including ionizing radiation and DNA replication itself. An understanding of the intricate pro tein pathways that recognize DSBs and recruit the DNA repair and cell cycle …
Comparative analysis of auger electron emission libraries and …
3 天之前 · A MC study using Geant4 utilized these spectra to analyze DNA dsb yields, applying a 17.5 eV threshold to define strand breaks. Subsequently, a sensitivity analysis compared energy deposition and dsb yields across MC track codes — Geant4, PHITS, and MCNP6.2 — assessing their effectiveness in modeling DNA damage from Auger emitters and bench ...
1.34: S2024_Bis2A_Namekawa_DNA_Repair_and_Recombination
6 天之前 · Repair of Double-Stranded DNA Breaks. Cells have evolved two main mechanisms to repair double-strand breaks within the DNA: the non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ)(Figure 2), that ensures direct resealing of DNA ends; and the homologous recombination (HR) (Figure 3) that relies on the presence of homologous DNA sequences for DSB repair.NHEJ and HR are regulated based on the cell cycle.
Nature | 减数分裂DNA双链断裂凝聚体组装新机制 - 知乎
在减数分裂周期中,由 Spo11蛋白 介导产生的 DNA双链断裂 (DNA double-strand breaks,DSBs)引发的同源重组对于基因组稳定性的维持非常关键 【1】。 DSBs形成过程是受到调控的,同时也与大范围的染色体结构形成相关,但是一直以来调节和控制DNA双链断裂的蛋白质装配体组织方式还不得而知。
SPO11 dimers are sufficient to catalyse DNA double-strand breaks …
Abstract. SPO11 initiates meiotic recombination through the induction of programmed DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) 1,2, but this catalytic activity has never been reconstituted in vitro 3,4.Here, using Mus musculus SPO11, we report a biochemical system that recapitulates all the hallmarks of meiotic DSB formation. We show that SPO11 catalyses break formation in the absence of any partners and ...