2005年4月19日 · This data set includes a unique set of amphimorphic sequence, those that crystallize in two different conformations and serve to bridge the three structural phases. We have thus constructed a map of DNA structures that can be walked through in single nucleotide steps.
Structure of a B-DNA dodecamer: conformation and dynamics. The crystal structure of the synthetic DNA dodecamer d (CpGpCpGpApApTpTpCpGpCpG) has been refined to a residual error of R = 17.8% at 1.9-A resolution (two-sigma data). The molecule forms slightly more than one complete turn of right-handed double-stranded B helix.
几种基于核酸序列构建三维结构的工具 - 思想家公社的门口:量子 …
2023年12月20日 · 输入DNA序列以及DNA结构类型,即可立刻返回产生的pdb结构,例如: 返回的结构用VMD查看: 地址: http://web.x3dna.org. 进入后,选Rebuilding - combination of A-, B-, or C-form DNA models。 之后可以输入DNA序列由几段构成,比如设了3,点next,若三段内容分别按下面这样设,那么DNA序列就是AAACCCCGGG,且其中AAA部分是A-DNA形式、CCCC部分是B-DNA形式、GGG部分是C-DNA形式。 提交之后,过一会儿(有可能时间挺长),看到下 …
RCSB PDB: Homepage
RCSB Protein Data Bank (RCSB PDB) enables breakthroughs in science and education by providing access and tools for exploration, visualization, and analysis of: These data can be explored in context of external annotations providing a structural view of biology. 3D visualization for PDB structures and ligand binding sites.
DNAproDB - A Database and Web Tool for Structural Analysis of DNA …
DNAproDB is a database, structure processing pipeline, and visualization tool to analyze DNA-protein complexes. Search thousands of DNA-protein complex structures based on features of the DNA, protein or DNA-protein interactions. Visualize …
PDB-101: Molecule of the Month: DNA
DNA is read-only memory, archived safely inside cells. Genetic information is stored in an orderly manner in strands of DNA. DNA is composed of a long linear strand of millions of nucleotides, and is most often found paired with a partner strand. These strands wrap around one another in the familiar double helix, as shown here.
Protein Data Bank of Nucleic Acids (PDB-NA)|蛋白质结构数据集|核 …
2024年11月2日 · 蛋白质数据库核酸部分(Protein Data Bank of Nucleic Acids, PDB-NA)是生物信息学领域中一个重要的资源,专注于存储和提供核酸分子的三维结构数据。 该数据集由国际蛋白质数据库(Protein Data Bank, PDB)维护,自1971年创建以来,已成为研究核酸结构与功能的核 …
PDB-101: Learn: Paper Models: DNA
What is DNA? DNA is perfect for the storage and readout of genetic information. This information is stored in the sequence of Adenine, Thymine, Guanine, and Cytosine - also called A, T, G, and C. Each helix has a backbone made of alternating deoxyribose and phosphate groups.
PDB-101: Molecule of the Month: DNA Polymerase
DNA polymerase makes an accurate copy of the cell's genome. Taq DNA polymerase, with a short piece of DNA in magenta and green. DNA polymerase plays the central role in the processes of life. It carries the weighty responsibility of duplicating our genetic information.
生成DNA的pdb结构文件的方法_UG_分子动力学_GROMACS-仿真 …
可以使用下面方法简单的生成其螺旋结构的PDB文件。 1、打开下面链接. 2、在对话框中输入其序列,之后选择DNA的螺旋:A-DNA为右手螺旋,B-DNA右手螺旋,MD DNA是使用分子动力学优化的结构。 然后选择Submit Sequence 。 3、点击下图地方下载文件。 会生成自动碱基配对之后的DNA结构。 若只想要一条链,直接打开pdb文件,手动删除多余链即可。 4、若不知道具体序列,只想要一个随意的DNA的pdb结构,那么可以使用下面网页随机建立指定长度的DNA序列。 …