三链形成寡核苷酸(triplex-forming oligonucleotides)是反义 DNA 的另一种叫法,生物体内降解或人工合成的DNA片段,进入 细胞 后与基因组DNA的双螺旋大沟中的互补碱基(须包含一段聚嘌呤或聚嘧啶)形成碱基三联体如T-A*T,C-G*C,,进而形成局部DNA三螺旋。
DNA Triple Helices: biological consequences and therapeutic …
A well-established multi-stranded DNA structure, triple helical DNA (triplex DNA), both naturally occurring intramolecular H-DNA structures, and triplex-forming oligonucleotide (TFO)-targeted intermolecular triplexes will be the focus of this review.
Expasy - Translate tool
Translate is a tool which allows the translation of a nucleotide (DNA/RNA) sequence to a protein sequence.
DNA靶上的三链体形成:如何选择寡核苷酸。,Biochemistry - X-MOL
Versatile and efficient chromatin pull-down methodology based on DNA ...
2018年4月12日 · We describe a robust and versatile procedure to pull-down chromatinized DNA sequences-of-interest by formation of a triple helix between a sequence tag present in the DNA and a complementary...
形成三链体的寡核苷酸-特定于序列的DNA配体作为抑制基因和调节DNA …
形成三链体的寡核苷酸(tfo)通过氢键相互作用与dna双螺旋中的特定序列结合。 TFO已显示出下调基因表达,诱导靶向基因组DNA修饰,刺激DNA重组和调节染色质组织。
LNA effects on DNA binding and conformation: from single strand to ...
2017年9月8日 · The results indicate that alternate substitution of DNA by LNA starting from the 5′-end of the examined TFO affects negatively its initial binding despite the fact that ON2 has a slightly...
三链形成寡核苷酸 - 百度百科
TFO和细胞内的DNA形成的三螺旋结构可以抑制序列特异性的 DNA结合蛋白 和转录因子结合,从而干扰DNA的复制和转录。 三链形成寡核苷酸,triplex-forming oligonucleotides,TFO,三链形成寡核苷酸。
三链DNA - 百度百科
脱氧寡核苷酸能与双螺旋双链DNA专一性序列结合,形成三链DNA,来阻止基因转录或DNA复制,此脱氧寡核苷酸被称为三链DNA形成脱氧寡核苷酸 (TFO)。 为了与作用在mRNA翻译水平的 反义RNA 的反义技术相区别,将三链DNA技术称之为反基因技术。 [1] 三链DNA的特点:第三股碱基可以与Watson-Crick碱基对中的嘌呤形成Hoogsteen配对;第三股与寡嘌呤核苷酸之间同向平行;第三股可以来自分子间也可以来自分子内。 [2] 三链DNA是指当某一DNA或RNA寡核苷酸 …
Repair of DNA lesions associated with triplex-forming …
Triplex-forming oligonucleotides (TFOs) are gene targeting tools that can bind in the major groove of duplex DNA in a sequence-specific manner. When bound to DNA, TFOs can inhibit gene expression, can position DNA-reactive agents to specific locations in the genome, or can induce targeted mutagenesis and recombination.