Nature子刊丨线粒体 dsRNA 释放到细胞质是衰老细胞炎症表型的 …
为了验证这一点,作者使用单克隆抗体 (J2)通过免疫荧光检测dsRNA。 为了证实J2对dsRNA的特异性,作者用一般转录抑制剂放线菌素D (ActD)处理增殖细胞,这完全消除了J2病灶,而siRNA介导的PNPT1 (编码一种防止mt-dsRNA积累的关键酶)抑制导致J2病灶的显著增加。
siRNA,shRNA,dsRNA,miRNA间的区别 - 知乎
RNA干扰 (RNAi),即用20多个 核苷酸 组成的短的双链RNA(siRNA)代替传统反义 核酸 进行转录后 基因 沉默,已经迅速而广泛地应用到基因功能,基因表达调控机制研究等热门领域,并为基因治疗开辟了新的途径。 近几年来,这方面的科学论文及报道爆炸性增长,几乎每天都有新的结果涌现。 这些论文中,出现了很多与RNA干扰相关的概念,意思很相近但并不完全相同,这里列举了几个常见的RNA干扰相关的名词及其简单的解释: 1、 miRNA:在遗传学中, …
Double-stranded RNA - Wikipedia
Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) is RNA with two complementary strands found in cells. It is similar to DNA but with the replacement of thymine by uracil and the adding of one oxygen atom. [1]
Endogenous Double-Stranded RNA - PMC
Schematic representation of repetitive elements in the human genome associated with double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) formation. LINE 1 and endogenous retroviruses (ERVs) give potential rise to long dsRNA structures formed from convergent transcripts or hairpin structures from read-through transcription of head-to-head/tail-to-tail arranged elements.
Release of mitochondrial dsRNA into the cytosol is a key ... - Nature
2024年8月27日 · Here, we report that the release of mt-dsRNA into the cytosol is a general feature of senescent cells and a critical driver of their inflammatory secretome, known as senescence-associated...
Cellular origins of dsRNA, their recognition and consequences
In this Review, we describe mechanisms by which immunostimulatory dsRNAs are generated in mammalian cells, either by viruses or by the host cells, and how cells respond to them, with the focus on recent developments regarding the role of cellular dsRNAs in immune modulation.
体外转录法制备dsRNA - 知乎
该方案是简单而且得到广泛应用的、利用PCR 模板制备双链RNA 的体外转录反应。 该方法制备的dsRNA 可以用于在某些细胞或者组织中诱发RNA 干扰。 试剂琼脂糖凝胶 ( 1 %) 复性缓冲液 ( 10 X) ATP 、CTP 、GTP 、UTP ( …
Structure, Reactivity, and Biology of Double-Stranded RNA
1996年1月1日 · This chapter focuses on the structure and physicochemical properties of double stranded RNA (dsRNA); on the enzymes that degrade, modify, or otherwise modulate dsRNA structure and function; and on protein motifs that specifically recognize dsRNA.
The competitive landscape of the dsRNA world: Molecular Cell
2023年12月19日 · Here, we review current knowledge about the life of endogenous dsRNAs in mammals—the biosynthesis and processing of dsRNAs, the proteins they encounter, and their ultimate degradation.
Novel insights into double-stranded RNA-mediated ... - Nature
2023年9月26日 · Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) products are generated during the replication cycle of DNA and RNA viruses 1, 2. Mammalian cells express multiple innate immune receptors, including melanoma...