技术介绍 | MGI测序原理 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
MGI平台的前身是2013年被华大集团收购的美国Complete Genomics测序平台,采用的是DNBSEQTM测序技术。 测序流程可大致分成 文库构建 、 DNB制备与加载 、 上机测序 、 信息分析 这四个部分。
MGI sequencing platforms: High-throughput gene sequencers ... - MGI …
MGI's DNA sequencing instruments utilize the state-of-the-art core technology called DNBSEQ TM. DNBs (DNA nanoballs) are pumped with by the fluidics system and loaded onto a Patterned Array chip. Sequencing primer is then added and hybridized to the adaptor region of the DNB.
DNBSEQ-G99:一机三芯,全力释放你的测序速度 - MGI Tech
基于华大智造核心的DNBSEQ™测序技术,G99对生化、流体、光学、温控等多个核心系统进行了优化和提升,同时内置计算模块,使得测序生信一体化,12小时可完成PE150测序,适用于小样本量的肿瘤靶向测序、小型全基因组测序、低深度WGS测序、个体识别、16s宏基因组测序等多种应用,数据产出高效且优质。 结合全新一代的StandardMPS 2.0测序试剂,DNBSEQ-G99RS所有读长的测序质量现已成功提升至 Q40。 同时,G99拥有三种不同规格芯片,可满足不同通量的 …
DNBSEQ-T1+: Sequencing in 24 Hours-MGI Tech website-Leading …
DNBSEQ-T1+ is one of the fastest T-level benchtop sequencers globally, developed with MGI's core DNBSEQ™ sequencing technology. T1+ supports dual flow cell concurrent operation, generating up to 1.2 Tb of sequencing data within 24 hours (600 Gb per flow cell, totaling 1.2 Tb for two flow cells). ... Simple: DNB Make-Sequencing-Analysis, All ...
NGS007 华大MGI测序 - 简书
以单链环状DNA为模板,在DNA聚合酶作用下进行滚环扩增(Rolling circle amplification, RCA),将单链环状DNA扩增到约500拷贝扩增产物称为DNB。 基于RCA的线性扩增技术,每次扩增都是以原始的DNA单链环为模板,使用保真性极高的聚合酶(phi29 DNA polymerase),使得在DNB的所有拷贝的同一个位置上出同样的错的几率几乎是零。 RCA扩增技术有效的避免了PCR扩增错误指数积累的问题,从而大大提高测序的准确性.
华大智造BGISEQ/MGISEQ文库构建与测序原理图示 - 知乎
大家好,今天的One PIC系列为大家带来 BGISEQ /MGISEQ 普通 gDNA文库 制备流程和测序原理图解,因为图片较多,所以针对文库构建部分的图解,可直接观看下方视频,也可以将所有图片下载后做成PPT观看。 1.接头结构介绍. 2.文库构建:先获得待测片段,并完成末端补平,加A. 2.1文库构建: PCR扩增,图片只展示正链文库的扩增结果。 2.2文库构建:得到正链PCR产物文库。 2.3文库构建:加入夹板引物和DNA连接酶,环化其中1条链。 3.测序原理:荧光信号采集单元 …
DNBSEQ Technology | MGI-tech | Leading Life Science Innovation
MGI’s DNBSEQ™ technology uses single-strand DNA circularization and rolling circle replication (RCR) to generate DNA Nanoballs (DNBs) directly from the original template. This approach, combined with Patterned Arrays, cPAS chemistry, and advanced image analysis, reduces index hopping and biases, ensuring more accurate, high-quality ...
GitHub - MGI-tech-bioinformatics/DNBelab_C_Series_HT_scRNA …
An open source and flexible pipeline to analyze high-throughput DNBelab C Series TM single-cell datasets. Hardware/Software requirements. x86-64 compatible processors. require at least 50GB of RAM and 4 CPU. centos 7.x 64-bit operating system (Linux kernel 3.10.0, compatible with higher software and hardware configuration).
DNBSEQ-E25: Sequencing on the Go - MGI Tech
DNBSEQ-E25 is a portable and easy-to-use sequencer designed to run sequencing and get the report on the go. The E25 has incorporated new features, including the microfluidic based flow cell, integrated CMOS detection module, self-luminous dye, and computing module, which make sequencing on the go feasible.
MGI sequencing platforms: High-throughput gene sequencers ... - MGI …
MGI high-throughput genome sequencing platforms and DNBseq technology introduction, recommendation of application and specification for MGI Sequencing Solutions | MGI Tech Products, help you choose the right DNA sequencing instruments.