DO-214AA (SMB), DO-214AB (SMC), and DO-214AC (SMA).
2019年7月20日 · 本文介绍了do-214封装标准及其不同变体,包括do-214ac (sma)、do-214aa (smb) 和 do-214ab (smc),并对比了它们之间的尺寸差异。 摘要由CSDN通过智能技术生成 …
SMC (DO-214AB) | Schottky | Diodes and Rectifiers | Vishay
SMC (DO-214AB), Schottky, Diodes and Rectifiers manufactured by Vishay, a global leader for semiconductors and passive electronic components.
DO-214 - Wikipedia
DO-214 is a standard that specifies a group of semiconductor packages for surface-mounted diodes. The standard [2] includes multiple package variants: [3][4] DO-214AA, also known as …
SMC (DO-214AB) Schottky Diodes & Rectifiers – Mouser
Mouser offers inventory, pricing, & datasheets for SMC (DO-214AB) Schottky Diodes & Rectifiers.
SMC (DO-214AB) 肖特基二極體及整流器 – Mouser 臺灣
Mouser提供SMC (DO-214AB) 肖特基二極體及整流器 的庫存、價格和資料表。
DO-214AB, SMC Single Diodes | Rectifiers | Diodes | Electronic ...
DO-214AB, SMC Single Diodes Products within the single rectifier diode family are used to allow current flow in one direction only, and implement exactly one instance of this function per …
DO-214AB,SMC 单二极管 | 整流器 | 二极管 | 电子元器件分销商 …
do-214ab,smc 单二极管 单整流器二极管系列产品可用于让电流仅沿一个方向流动,并且每个器件封装都恰好实现该功能的一个实例。 其他用途的二极管(包括齐纳二极管和可变电容二极 …
超快恢复二极管 US3MC SMC(DO-214AB)中文介绍,晶导 …
晶导微生产的超快恢复二极管 us3mc smc(do-214ab) 是一款高性能、高可靠性的半导体器件,其超快恢复速度、低正向压降、高反向耐压、高电流容量和优良的温度特性,使其成为各种需要 …
Diodes and Rectifiers - Ultrafast Recovery - SMC (DO-214AB)
SMC (DO-214AB), Ultrafast Recovery, Diodes and Rectifiers manufactured by Vishay, a global leader for semiconductors and passive electronic components.
SMC (DO-214AB) 肖特基二极管与整流器 数据表 - 贸泽
Mouser提供SMC (DO-214AB) 肖特基二极管与整流器 的库存、定价和数据表。