DODIX [Dodge & Cox Income] - Bogleheads.org
2016年5月22日 · at five years DODIX = $11,926.40, VBTLX = $11,769.36, Barclays Agg = $11,812.72 Of course, this doesn't mean the results from the next five or ten years will look the same, or that VG's Total Bond isn't a solid choice. DODIX uses lower credit quality & shorter duration holdings than Total Bond.
Dodge & Cox DODIX - Bogleheads.org
2019年6月25日 · I never had Dodge & Cox Income (DODIX) ER 0.42% offered in my 401k. Although actively managed, I consider Dodge & Cox Income (DODIX) a good intermediate-term (average effective duration = 4.40 years), investment-grade (average credit quality = A) bond fund, with a moderate expense ratio.
Bond question: DODIX (Dodge & Cox Income) or PARRX (PIMCO …
2022年6月24日 · Although actively managed DODIX is a good diversified (18% government bonds, 35% corporate bonds, 39% securitized), intermediate-term (effective duration = 5.0 years), investment-grade (average credit rating = A+) bond fund, with a below average expense ratio. The performance of DODIX has compared well to a total bond market index fund.
Your advice please Bond Guru's - Bogleheads.org
2023年7月11日 · DODIX had better best year and better worst year than total bond index fund which likely gave it the slight outpeformance. total bond index fund is AA- which is higher credit quality than DODIX which is A+ (they both might be investment grade, but the safer bond will yield less, which is why DODIX outperformed. It held slightly higher risk bonds).
VBMFX vs. DODIX - Really how much difference? - Bogleheads.org
2007年8月29日 · DODIX has been able to cover the additional cost plus some, but it came with higher risk. No free lunch. Check out how both funds compare in the recent downturn. 3 months return: DODIX: 0.57% VBMFX: 1.80% Just when you needed the most, it did not protect you. VBMFX held well during the recent downturn, indicative of the higher average credit ...
Dodge and Cox DODIX vs Total Bond Fund - Bogleheads.org
2015年4月29日 · The short answer is yes, DODIX is a fine core bond holding if it or its equivalent is offered in a 401(k). It takes on more credit risk than Vanguard Total Bond, with more corporates and a small high-yield stake, but I would be happy to have it in my 401(k) instead of PTTRX (Pimco Total Return).
Can you do better than BND? - Bogleheads.org
2024年2月13日 · Our largest holding in bond funds is Dodge and Cox Income Fund (DODIX ER= 0.41). I think we first bought shares in the early 2000's, possibly 2002. Intrigued by McQ's post (and his other postings, as well), I used PV to check DODIX since December 1991, through December 2023. $10,000 initial grows to $55,201, with a CAGR of 5.47% and std dev of ...
Looking at the Dodge & Cox family performance relative to its …
2020年11月30日 · Interestingly to me, if one decided to implement a “three-fund portfolio” with Dodge & Cox funds, the three funds you would use would be Stock (DODGX), International Stock (DODFX), and Income (DODIX), all of which had both higher return and higher risk-adjusted return than their benchmarks. Morningstar’s Star and Analyst ratings
Understanding impact of expense ratios - Bogleheads.org
2021年3月27日 · The fund is DODIX, now changing to DOXIX. Thanks! While not an expert on expense ration mechanics and fees-- I will say that there is a significant difference between .41% .36% and .05% and .41 (which is 41%) .36 (36%) and .05 (5%).
Looking at the Dodge & Cox family performance relative to its …
2020年10月1日 · So if we zero in on the bond fund, DODIX, how safe is it in comparison to a total bond index fund? I understand that DODIX focuses more on corporates and can invest in some high yield. If that is the case, how did DODIX perform in the 2008 Great Recession? Did DODIX serve as "ballast" in the a 3-fund Dodge & Cox portfolio? Many thanks!