Overhead camshaft engine - Wikipedia
Single overhead camshaft (SOHC) engines have one camshaft per bank of cylinders. Dual overhead camshaft (DOHC, also known as "twin-cam" [4]) engines have two camshafts per bank. The first production car to use a DOHC engine was built in 1910.
What is DOHC? - en.actualidadmotor.com
DOHC is an acronym that refers to Double Overhead Camshaft or Double overhead camshaft. A type of motors in which two camshafts are located in the cylinder heads, to directly move the valves. Actually, are part of OHC engines.
DOHC: Dual Overhead Camshaft (SOHC vs DOHC Valvetrains)
2023年11月5日 · DOHC stands for Dual Overhead Camshaft, which means your car has two camshafts on top of the cylinders. One is for engaging the intake valves, the other is for exhaust valves. In contrast, SOHC (Single Overhead Camshaft) engines only have one camshaft responsible for both the intake and exhaust valves.
sohc和dohc发动机有什么区别,sohc和dohc哪个好 - 车主指南
2020年6月7日 · sohc发动机是指其进气系统用的是单顶置凸轮轴,即一个进气门和一个排气门。dohc发动机是指其进气系统用的是双顶置凸轮轴,一般每缸有多个气门,普遍
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DOHC、SOHC是什么意思?它们对发动机性能有何影响?_车家号_ …
DOHC是英文Double Overhead Camshaft的缩写,中文含义是“双顶置凸轮轴”;SOHC是英文Single Overhead Camshaft的缩写,中文含义是“单顶置凸轮轴”。 现在的轿车发动机,基本上都采用DOHC(双顶置凸轮轴)的布置形式了,采用SOHC(单顶置凸轮轴)的车型越来越少。
SOHC与DOHC是什么意思,你知道吗? - 车家号
SOHC (Single Overhead Camshaft)的中文含义是“单顶置凸轮轴”,DOHC (Double Overhead Camshaft)的中文含义则是“双顶置凸轮轴”。 它们是发动机配气机构中凸轮轴的不同布置形式。 那么发动机为什么要这样设计呢? 这要从发动机配气机构说起。 (呵呵,有点要长篇大论的感觉)。 发动机配气机构的功用就是按照发动机工作循环和点火次序的要求,定时开闭进、排气门,向气缸供给新鲜的可燃混合气(汽油机)或空气(柴油机),并及时排出废气。 上图是一个比 …
DOHC Engine Technology in Cars: Functions and How It Works
2023年2月26日 · DOHC is a very popular engine technology in automotive circles. This technology is used in modern high-performance car engines. However, how exactly does this machine work? Here's an explanation: 1. Controls Intake and Exit Valves. It has two separate camshafts, one to control the intake valves and one to control the exhaust valves.
dohc发动机是什么牌子的车 - 易车
2025年2月20日 · DOHC发动机并不是特定品牌的车辆所独有的,而是一种发动机技术,全称为“双顶置凸轮轴发动机”。 许多汽车品牌和制造商都可能采用这种技术,例如本田、丰田、宝马等。 因此,无法仅凭DOHC发动机来确定车辆的品牌。 如果您想知道具体车型,建议您提供更多车辆信息 …
What's The Difference Between SOHC, DOHC And OVH Engines?
2025年2月22日 · Pushrod engines are mostly known for putting out heaps of torque at lower engine speeds, but they're not really able to run at high engine speeds like SOHC or DOHC motors. Here's how an overhead...