Dol Guldur - Tolkien Gateway
2024年11月22日 · Dol Guldur (or Mordor itself) sent a huge army of Orcs, Haradrim, and Trolls to assault Erebor. The attack fails, and the Mouth of Sauron is killed along with all the attacking …
Sindarin : Dol Guldur - Eldamo
Fortress of the Necromancer in Mirkwood (LotR/250). This name is a combination of dol (l) “head, hill” and guldur “sorcery” (SA/dol, gûl, dûr; PE17/32). Conceptual Development: In Lord of the …
Project:译名表/暂定译名表 - 魔戒中文维基 - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻杰 …
西部语 (Westron)的原词,“西部语”一名是从“阿督尼”翻译过来的,见Adûnar/Andûnar。 见Adûni/Andûnar。 塔尔-埃尔玛 (Tal-Elmar)的城镇与领地。 第十九代 多阿姆洛斯亲王。 埃 …
Sauron's Greatest Weapon Is One That The Lord of the Rings Fans …
2024年11月7日 · Dol Guldur was a fortress built upon Amon Lanc, a hill in southern Mirkwood. This was where Sauron resided early in the Third Age, growing in power and infecting …
Dol dúghol - Parf Edhellen: an elvish dictionary - elfdict.com
An earlier name for Dol Guldur appearing in Lord of the Rings drafts from the 1940s (WR/122), with variations Dol Dúgol (TI/178) and Dol Dûghul (TI/244). The word dûghol appears an …
Eldamo : Ilkorin/Doriathrin : Dol Dúghol
Dol Dúghol loc. An earlier name for Dol Guldur appearing in Lord of the Rings drafts from the 1940s (WR/122), with variations Dol Dúgol (TI/178) and Dol Dûghul (TI/244). The word dûghol …
Дол Гулдур | Википалантир | Fandom
Дол Гулдур (англ. Dol Guldur) ― крепость, располагавшаяся в Лихолесье со второго тысячелетия Третьей Эпохи. На протяжении большей части Третьей Эпохи Дол Гулдур …
Dol Guldur | Wiki | Lord Of The Rings Amino - Amino Apps
Dol Guldur ("Hill of Sorcery" in Sindarin), also called "the dungeons of the Necromancer,” was a stronghold of Sauron located in the south of Mirkwood. Dol Guldur was originally known as …
Dol Guldur - Parf Edhellen: an elvish dictionary - elfdict.com
Fortress of the Necromancer in Mirkwood (LotR/250). This name is a combination of dol(l) “head, hill” and guldur “sorcery” (SA/dol, gûl, dûr; PE17/32). Conceptual Development: In Lord of the …
Dol Guldur | J.R.R.Tolkien Legendarium Wiki | Fandom
Dol Guldur, hay còn gọi là Ngọn Đồi Tà Thuật, là đồn lũy của Sauron ở phía nam rừng Mirkwood trong Kỷ thứ Ba, khi hắn còn ẩn dưới cái tên The Necromancer. Dol Guldur ban đầu vốn tên là …
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