α-Cyclodextrin dimer complexes of dopamine and levodopa …
2012年6月27日 · This study presents a molecular docking strategy to analyze the inclusion complexation of DA and L-DOPA derivatives enhanced by an appropriate 2-phenyl …
Structural, Conformational and Spectroscopic Investigations of a
2023年12月18日 · Vibrational analysis confirms the existence of a dimeric form of L-dopa and a strong IR band peak at 2770 cm −1 suggests its OH forms. L-dopa molecules are found to be …
The solvatochromism and selective discrimination of dopamine ...
2023年5月25日 · Opposite to the monomer, dimer of PCDA-dopa exhibited lower band gaps no matter in vacuum, aqueous solution or THF, indicating that the red-shift existed in the …
Dimeric l-Dopa Derivatives as Potential Prodrugs - ScienceDirect
2001年4月23日 · A series of dimeric derivatives (+)-1, and (+)-2, and (+)-3a–d of l-Dopa diacetyl esters was synthesized and evaluated as potential l-Dopa prodrugs with improved …
Vibrational spectral analysis of anti-neurodegenerative drug Levodopa ...
2013年2月27日 · The NBO analysis of L-dopa in comparison between monomer and dimer clearly manifests the evidences for the formation of two strong H-bonded interactions between …
3,4-二羟苯丙氨酸 - 百度百科
3,4-二羟苯丙氨酸,俗名L-多巴,英文名3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl L-Alanine (L-Dopa)。 3,4-二羟苯丙氨酸是 酪氨酸 经 酪氨酸羟化酶 的作用下羟化产生的一种氧化产物,具有 儿茶酚 羟基,可进 …
(PDF) α-Cyclodextrin dimer complexes of dopamine and …
2012年6月26日 · This paper attempts to predict and emphasize molecular interactions of dopamine, levodopa, and their derivatives (Dopimid compounds) containing 2-phenyl …
α-Cyclodextrin dimer complexes of dopamine and levodopa de | IJN
2012年3月1日 · Abstract: This paper attempts to predict and emphasize molecular interactions of dopamine, levodopa, and their derivatives (Dopimid compounds) containing 2-phenyl …
Dimeric L-dopa derivatives as potential prodrugs - PubMed
2001年4月23日 · A series of dimeric derivatives (+)-1, and (+)-2, and (+)-3a-d of L-Dopa diacetyl esters was synthesized and evaluated as potential L-Dopa prodrugs with improved …
Dopamine transporter forms stable dimers in the live cell plasma ...
2019年4月4日 · In this study, we used single-molecule brightness analysis to probe the oligomerization behavior of hDAT fused to monomeric GFP (mGFP–hDAT) in the plasma …