DOSGames.com Free DOS game downloads - Over 2,000 games!
There were few other websites focused solely on DOS games. So I started one, since I loved playing the games that I grew up playing. Back in those days, there was no DOSBox, so sometimes even getting the games running was a chore involving carefully tweaking settings, add-on utilities like VDMSound, or even BOOT DISKS (gasps!).
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Games with a are rated 4/5 or higher by DOSGames.com. Find games easier by using the advanced search feature, or browse by category using the links in the sidebar / mobile dropdown menu. Miss the way this page used to look? Try the old all-games page! Total games: 2146! #
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About DOSGames.com: Website History
There are many sites that provide games, but most include non-DOS games or also include illegally distributed files. The website was founded by me, Darren Hewer, in early January 1999. I originally started the website because back then, DOS games were becoming increasingly difficult to find. There were few other websites focused solely on DOS ...
Rogue game at DOSGames.com
Rogue gameplay screenshot DOSGames.com Review: Rating: 4.5 The original "Roguelike"! It may have primitive graphics (ASCII), and no sound, but it's still quite enjoyable.
Kuno Kannix game at DOSGames.com
Kuno Kannix gameplay screenshot DOSGames.com Review: Rating: 3 Kuno Kannix is a German platformer game.
Datnoids game at DOSGames.com
DOWNLOAD THE GAME FREE datnoids.zip - 65k - Run DATNOIDS.BAT to play ...
Clockwiser game at DOSGames.com
Check our DOSBox Guide to run DOS games on modern computers. Play online in browser Original archive ( Clockwiser MS-DOS.zip , 1,365k) - The main download file above (DOSBOX_CLOCKDOS.ZIP) is pre-configured to work DOSBox.
Char game at DOSGames.com
Check our DOSBox Guide to run DOS games on modern computers. Play online in browser Original archive ( charsetup-win.exe , 3,242k) - The main download file above (DOSBOX_CHAR.ZIP) is pre-configured to work DOSBox.