CCTV/BTV 奥运直播选择 DPA 话筒 - midifan:我们关注电脑音乐
2008年8月11日 · cctv 奥运频道主持人宁辛正在主持节目,桌面上的拾音话筒为dpa 4027紧凑型话筒。 DPA 4027为宽心型指向,宽心型话筒的特点是:话筒的背面灵敏度低,可以很好的隔离噪音,同时又具有全指向话筒的开放感,具有很好的现场感,它的高频部分非常出色,让语言变得 ...
DPA 4027 紧凑型电容话筒_话筒_乐城仕-中国录音棚系统集成商
dpa 4027是一款宽心型幻象供电(p48)电容话筒,使用和宽心形话筒4015相同类型的话筒柱,但它使用内置的极小的厚膜场效应管放大器前置放大。4027有侧置的线缆(3m的标准),它能完美地适用于话筒需要用线缆自悬挂起来或安装在舞台上的情况。
DPA 4027 - Vintage King
The Type 4027 is a phantom powered (P48) compact condenser microphone using the same type of cartridge as the 4015 wide cardioid microphone, but is preamplified using a build-in ultra-small thick-film mounted FET-preamplifier.
Mic DPA Microphones 4027 | MicPedia.com
The 4027 is a similar compact design to the 4021 but with a wide cardioid pick-up pattern. This allows recording of a broader sound field which is very useful for use with instruments with a complex radiation pattern. The response has the same gentle HF lift of the 4015/4016 capsule for increased brilliance when used for close miking.
4027 - D00257 | Rycote Global
Suitable for short condensers. Compatible mics include the AKG C430, Behringer C2, DPA 4021 and Sennheiser MKH 8000 series with MZX 8000 module attached. The 4027 is a similar compact design to the 4021 but with a wide cardioid pick-up pattern.
DPA Microphones - 品牌 - 传新科技有限公司 - DMT.PRO
伦敦皇家艺术学院为其令人赞叹的新演讲厅选用DPA话筒. 电影制作中使用话筒的7个要点. 虽然 DPA 正式成立于1992年,但公司具有超过50年设计世界一流话筒的经验,历史可以追溯到我们的前身 Brüel & Kjær公司于1950年代创造的第一个测量话筒系列。
4021 / 4022 / 4023 / 4026 / 4027 / 4028 - DPA Microphones
2014年6月10日 · Type <strong>4026</strong>, <strong>4027</strong> and <strong>4028</strong> are designed to have a<br /> linear on-axis response from 40Hz (±2dB) to 20kHz (+3/-1dB) measured<br /> at 60cm distance (see Fig. 5) and are fur thermore intentionally<br />
DPA 4021 USER MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib
View and Download DPA 4021 user manual online. Compact Cardioid Microphones/Compact Wide Cardioid Microphones. 4021 microphone pdf manual download. Also for: 4022, 4027, 4028, 4023, 4026, 4011, 4012, 4015, 4016, 3521.
InVision INV-6 - RYC041106 | Rycote Global
dpa 4027 The 4027 is a similar compact design to the 4021 but with a wide cardioid pick-up pattern. This allows recording of a broader sound field which is very useful for use with instruments with a complex radiation pattern.
4026、4027、4028 ワイド単一指向性マイクロホン - DPA …