Samoobslužné boxy - posílejte a vyzvedávejte zásilky kdykoliv - DPD
Představujeme vám síť více než 2 000 samoobslužných boxů, do kterých patří jak DPD Pickup Boxy, tak i stovky AlzaBoxů po celém Česku. Přes samoobslužný box můžete zásilku i odeslat .
DPD boxes - send and pick up your parcels anytime | DPD
Do you want to pick up a parcel from your favourite e-shop whenever it's convenient for you? Introducing the network of more than 1,800 parcel lockers, which includes both DPD boxes (Pickup Station) and hundreds of AlzaBoxes across the Czech Republic. You can also send the parcel via DPD Pickup box. (Attention!
Packing tips | Your Delivery Experts | DPD
Packing boxes can be bought which are specially designed for shipping goods. These are stronger and offer the best possible protection for the contents of your parcel. Whatever packaging or filling materials you choose, always check that there is no damage. Make sure you remove (old) barcodes and that the addresses are complete and clearly legible.
DPD Shipping
Efficient shipping and parcel management solutions with DPD Group.
DPD Packages | Davpack
Made from brown double wall cardboard, these DPD sized boxes offer high levels of protection for your contents. DPD's guidelines state your packaging should be robust enough to withstand rough handling, with these durable double wall boxes you won't have to worry about any damages due to their excellent resistance to crushing.
DPD Parcel Sized Boxes | Boxes2u.co.uk
These large cardboard boxes have been made in line with the DPD maximum parcel size, meaning that you have a huge amount of space to use while still being within the limits when using DPD as your courier of choice.
DPD Parcel Sizes 2024: DPD Local Parcel & Packaging Sizes
Knowing the right size of box can help you make the most of the DPD service you are paying for and make sure your goods are delivered safely to their destination. Use our handy box sizing guide to make sure you get the right sized box for your DPD package.
DPD cartons - Packaging Warehouse
As the second largest service provider for parcel and express deliveries in Germany, DPD transported more than 450 million parcels to business and private customers in 2021. DPD is also benefiting from the strong growth in e-commerce - you can find the right boxes for shipping your products with DPD at packaging warehouse.
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DPD Shipping Guide
Corrugated cardboard boxes are particularly suitable for shipping. Choose the size of the packaging according to the contents. Cardboard boxes that are not fully filled give way and break easily, while overfilled boxes often burst. If you wish to reuse old packaging, please keep in mind that rigidity may be significantly re-
Packing advice and guidance - DPD
Choose the right packaging for your items. Boxes made of corrugated cardboard with good quality outer liners, tubes for rolled paper and heavy-duty double-layered board for valuable items. Choose the size of the package according to its content. Under-filled boxes are likely to collapse; overloaded ones may burst.