Association between dry period length and lactation performance ...
In this study, 65,971 lactations on 41,842 cows in 64 herds were used to determine the association between dry period length (DPL) and lactation performance, lactation curve, calf birth weight, and the incidence of calving difficulty during the …
In this study, 65,971 lactations on 41,842 cows in 64 herds were used to determine the association between dry period length (DPL) and lactation performance, lactation curve, calf birth weight, and the incidence of calving difficulty during the …
Optimum dry period length (DPL) is determined by taking herd size, parity and milk yield levels into consideration. Traditionally, such periods are applied as 305 days for lactation and 51-60 days for DPL (Bachman and Schairer, 2003; Grummer and …
2016年2月27日 · Dry period x temperature humidity index interaction were significant on calf birth weight (P<0.05). The highest temperature-humidity index and the shortest dry period length were determined decreasing to calf birth weight. As a result, cold stress index negatively affected on calf birth weight, when dry period of cows coincide with the winter ...
Association between dry period length and lactation performance ...
Cows with the standard DPL (51 to 60d) produced more 305-d milk, fat, and protein over the next lactation compared with those with shorter dry periods. Shorter dry periods (0 to 35d and 36 to 50d) were associated with lower initial milk yield, steeper inclining and declining slopes of the lactation curve, and higher milk persistency compared ...
Association between dry period length and lactation performance ...
2013年4月12日 · In this study, 65,971 lactations on 41,842 cows in 64 herds were used to determine the association between dry period length (DPL) and lactation performance, lactation curve, calf birth weight,...
Dry Period in Dairy Cattle: II. Influence on Calf Survival and Growth ...
This study was conducted to investigate the effects of dry period length (DPL) on survival rate, gender, growth performance, mortality of Holstein calves. Data belonged to 800 Holstein cows in different parities (2nd, 3rd and ≥4th) and 800 calves delivered by these cows.
Dry Period Length in Dairy Cattle: II. Influence on Calf Survival and ...
The cows with DPL of 51-60 days had greater female calf ratios and the cows with DPL of 61-70 days had greater male calf ratios. In the study, the relationship between calves' body weights (birth and 6th month) and DPL was found to be significant at P 0.01 level, and the month wither height) and DPL was significant at P 0.05 level.
How does a beef × dairy calving affect the dairy cow's following ...
2024年7月1日 · We found that DPL was 10 to 19 d longer preceding a calving with a beef × dairy calf (Figure 3g). Both too-short and too-long DPL have been shown to be detrimental for the following milk yield (e.g., Andrée O'Hara et al., 2020 ).
Association between dry period length and lactation performance ...
In this study, 65,971 lactations on 41,842 cows in 64 herds were used to determine the association between dry period length (DPL) and lactation performance, lactation curve, calf birth weight, and the incidence of calving difficulty during the …