Degtyaryov machine gun - Wikipedia
The DP-27 is a light machine gun designed for the Soviet Red Army in the 1920s under the leadership of Vasily Degtyaryov (1880–1949), the first test model being the DP-26. Two test guns were manufactured and fired 5,000 rounds each from September 27–29, 1926, during which weaknesses were discovered in the extractor and firing pin mechanisms.
Stalin’s Record Player: The DP-27 Degtyaryov LMG
2023年12月12日 · The DP-27 was a gas-operated weapon that was unique in that it was fed from a 47-round drum/pan magazine mounted on the top. Whether this was influenced by the American-designed Lewis Gun remains unclear, but the Lewis Gun was provided to Russian forces in the First World War.
枪械科普:DP系列 - 哔哩哔哩
DP轻机枪(俄语:Пулемёт Дегтярёвa Пехотный Pulemyot Degtyaryova Pekhotny,意为捷格加廖夫步兵机枪),是一款由苏联人瓦西里·捷格加廖夫于1927年研制成功,1928年装备苏联红军的轻机枪。 其官方缩称为DP(ДП)或 DP-27(ДП-27),但经常被非俄语国家的大众称为DP-28。 类型 轻机枪. 原产地 苏联. 服役记录. 服役期间 1928年-1950年代(苏联) 参与战争/冲突. 苏联入侵新疆. 西班牙内战. 日苏国界战争. 第二次中日战争. 冬季战争. 第二次世界大战. 继续战争. …
The Long Road to the DP-27 - Forgotten Weapons
2021年5月9日 · RP-46, belt-fed modernization of the DP-27. As a result, no new light machine gun chambered for a rifle cartridge was ever adopted. The DP was modernized as DPM, with a more comfortable pistol grip, new bipods and a recoil spring moved to a cooler location at the back of the barrel.
The Degtyaryov Machine Gun ( DP-27 / DP-28 ) - YouTube
An overview of the Degtyaryov Machine Gun as featured in many movies and video games. More War Movie Content: https://www.youtube.com/johnnyjohnsonesqRequest...
Stalin’s Record Player: The DP-27 Light Machine Gun
2021年8月13日 · Service in World War Two showed a few shortcomings however, resulting in an upgrade program to the DPM, adopted in 1944. This involved moving the recoil spring to the back of the gun, adding a pistol grip, and improving the bipod.
Soviet DPM machine gun - the same old Degtyarev?
2024年9月26日 · The DP-27, DP-28, and DPM are all variations of the same Soviet light machine gun, which was developed by Vasily Degtyaryov. The DP-27 was the original design, which was introduced in 1927. It was the primary light machine gun for …
Degtyarev Upgrades: DP27 vs DPM - Forgotten Weapons
2024年10月9日 · Enter to win this awesome Semiauto DPM! The Degtyarev DP (aka DP-27) was the subject of a bunch of experimentation during the 1930s, but none of the trialed modifications were actually adopted. It was only in 1944, after several years of combat experience, that the design was updated to correct a number of shortcomings. Specifically:
Polish DPM Parts Kit - Appalachian Arms - Military Surplus
The Polish Radom "Arsenal 11" Degtyaryov DPM is a modernized version of the original DP-27, produced by the renowned Circle 11 Factory in Radom, Poland. Introduced in 1943, the DPM featured significant improvements over the earlier DP-27 model, earning it the nickname "The Record Player" by Soviet forces.
Degtyarev DP LMG (DP28) Light Machine Gun - Military Factory
2022年6月2日 · The DP Light Machine Gun (DP LMG), sometimes known as the DP-27 or DP-28 and nicknamed the "Record Player" due to its unique "pan" or "film reel" magazine, was the standard light machine gun system issued to Soviet infantry squads in …