Just picked up DPMS Panther .308 M4! - Range Report #1, #2 > …
2006年3月1日 · Today I picked up the new DPMS .308 M4 with Quad Rail that I ordered from R-Guns last Friday and they shipped to my local FFL dealer. It actually arrived here yesterday. As the R-Guns website states, the price for the 16” barrel M4 with the quad rail was $1075, plus $10 for S&H. Add to that the $20 for the transfer, and the S&H plus transfer ...
DPMS is gone but not forgotten. Ask a former employee anything ...
2020年2月3日 · I've been wanting to do this for some time, answer questions about DPMS and possibly dispel some myths. For what it's worth I was employed by DPMS/Remington from 2005-2018 and seen a lot of "behind the curtain"... Please, if you want this thread to go somewhere don't post BS or ramble on about unrelated crap.
DPMS Lite 16 - M4 Feed Ramps? - AR15.COM
2009年12月5日 · I actually have 2 A1 lowers that the previous owners said came off of a DPMS. Both have M4 ramps which were DREMEL'd into the upper receiver. One has a 20" M1S heavy barrel with M4 ramps in the barrel, it was also a perfect match up. The other is still stripped, but looks like it will mate up fine with my RRA lite midlength.
Proof of DPMS quality - AR15.COM
2009年3月4日 · The .308 DPMS rifles I have shot have been AMAZING, while the 2 AR15 DPMS rifles I shot were cheap feeling. To make things worse, I rarely ever see a DPMS AR15 outfitted in quality components, usually the people that buy them put chinacom tacticool crap on them, I have never seen one sporting Troy and Magpul and Larue components.
DPMS Carbine: .223 or 5.56mm ? - AR15.COM
2004年9月11日 · DPMS,has 223 on their barrels,but actually it is really chambered for 556. This is the only barrel manufactor,that does it like that. I own a special run of DPMS/CMMG barrel with chromed lined barrel and chamber. Also it made of 4150 …
DPMS Quality - AR15.COM
2013年2月13日 · I bought a new DPMS M4'gery yesterday. The M4 Chart needs to be updated from what I have seen on my new rifle. My new DPMS has a chrome lined bore, M4 feed ramps, properly staked carrier bolts and an absolutely amazing trigger! Smooth pull and a crisp break, just beautiful. This baby is put together very well. QC looks to be spot on.
DPMS vs Colt Barrel Accuracy - AR15.COM
2002年11月1日 · It currently has a Colt "M4" marked upper, COlt bolt carrier and bolt. I was going to put a Colt 14.5" M4 1/7 4150 chrome lined barrel on her. The cost is $400 for that barrel. DPMS has a 14.5" M4 1/7 4150 chrome lined barrel available for $225. Will I gain anything in accuracy with the Colt? Will the DPMS be more accurate?
DPMS Reviews - AR15.COM
2011年7月8日 · The DPMS 5.56 Oracle does have M4 feedramps and is 1/9 twist.. I usally shoot no less than 120 rounds with either rifle in a range session.. Tommorrow I will be doing 200 rounds in the 5.56 for some training drills.. I love mine Al
DPMS M4 uppers - AR15.COM
2003年6月10日 · Firearm Discussion and Resources from AR-15, AK-47, Handguns and more! Buy, Sell, and Trade your Firearms and Gear.
Are dpms ar any good - AR15.COM
2012年7月12日 · DPMS has shown an unwillingness to conform to the base-line standards established by Colt and adhered to by many (currently) reputable AR manufacturers by continuing to manufacture AR's with commercial quality components that are known to be objectively inferior to their [roughly] mil-spec counterparts.