luunguyen97/DPU-TRD-ZCU104 - GitHub
This tutorial shows how to build the Linux image and boot image using the PetaLinux build tool for the DPU hardware created above. Set $PETALINUX environment: source < path/to/petalinux-installer > /settings.sh
Difference between common image & dpu image - AMD
These are both pre-built images. The ‘common image’ packages contain a prebuilt Linux kernel and root file system that can be used with any ZynqMP board for embedded Vitis platform developers. Also included is the ‘sysroot’ required for embedded Vitis …
Xilinx/DPU-PYNQ: DPU on PYNQ - GitHub
This repository holds the PYNQ DPU overlay. Specifically, the Vitis AI DPU is included in the accompanying bitstreams with example training and inference notebooks ready to run on PYNQ enabled platforms. Steps are also included to rebuild the designs in Vitis and can be ported onto PYNQ-enabled Zynq Ultrascale+ boards.
PYNQ - 自定义含 DPU 的 overlay 层(MPSoC) - CSDN博客
2024年12月13日 · Xilinx提供了VCU参考TRD,此外,还提供了一个VCU+DPU的参考设计:Zynq UltraScale MPSoC VCU TRD。该wiki提供了2个下载地址,其中带v1.0是较新的(https://www.xilinx.com/member/forms/download/eula-xef.html?filename=vcu_roi_2019.2_v1.0.zip)。 整体框图如下:PL接收
Difference between image created by DPU TRD Vitis Flow and OS image …
The ZCU104 Prebuilt Linux Image has 2 4096 DPUs. If you build the DPU_TRD with 3 DPUs for the ZCU102 (2DPUs for the ZCU104), then you will basically have the same setup as the prebuilt image. You can also install the Vitis-AI Library examples on the TRD build, similar to if you use the prebuilt linux image.
1-DPU平台搭建 - naive156 - 博客园
2023年8月6日 · 3、vitis导入vitis AI,搭建DPU平台。 4、镜像文件放入U盘后,将ZCU104开发板上的SW6拨码开关进行调整,调整至使用SD卡启动。 二、环境搭建. 环境搭建这一块按照B站视频来https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1kU4y1K7o6/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0&vd_source=6a1305b3cff1b779943ff37db586910c. 1、ubuntu20.04
212SoleYu/ZCU102-DPU - GitHub
2024年9月20日 · 呼出配置窗口后搜索DPU,可以找到在Device Drivers -> Misc devices->Xilinx Deep learning Precessing Unit (DPU) Driver。 按理来说这个应该是默认为勾选状态的,但是在本实验流程中默认是非勾选,导致了很多失败。
DPU-PYNQ v2.5.0 release -- now on 20+ boards
2022年10月26日 · DPU-PYNQ now officially supports overlays on 21 boards – which is the most platforms we have seen a design supported on! Additionally, this iteration of DPU-PYNQ supports Vitis AI 2.5. v2.5.0. DPU on PYNQ. Contribute to Xilinx/DPU-PYNQ development by creating an account on GitHub. This release is compatible with:
K230 场景实战-dpu深度相机POC | 东山Π
dpu深度相机POC支持如下功能: PC端支持多种格式图像捕获:如彩色图,深度图,散斑图,红外图等。 支持stream/snap捕获方式:可捕获实时数据流或某一帧图像。
i.MX8QXP DPU image Warp - NXP Community
Image Warping is the process of digitally manipulating image data such that the image’s projection precisely matches a specific projection surface or shape. i.MX8QXP DPU controller could do image warp work by its blit engine and display engine.