dr z amps - The Gear Page
2024年8月29日 · I'm a big fan of Dr Z amps, so I decided to buy his latest one, the Jetta, based on a few clips posted on the Z Talk forum. The amp arrived yesterday. It's like Z's Carmen Ghia as far as controls: volume and tone, plus master volume. There's an …
Thoughts on Dr.Z Z-Lux? - The Gear Page
2017年9月24日 · Thanks for your input on the Z-lux as well. It's odd but I don't find Dr. Z to be that popular around here. Maybe popular isn't the word but they don't seem to get a lot of comments when threads come up about a particular model. I thought the Z-Lux was kind of a special amp for Dr. Z but I didn't find a lot of threads dedicated to this amp.
Marshall Studio JTM or Dr. Z Z28 MkII - The Gear Page
2024年10月14日 · The Z-28 MKII has a much more even EQ than what you have described with the Marshall. When I played it, I didn’t need the treble higher than 1:00 and the bass less than 10:00. This was with a Strat. His amps are neither too dark or too bright. The EF86 preamp tube is an octal and has a bit more headroom than a 12AX7 and to my ears, more ...
Dr Z Maz 18. . . One of the Great all Time Amps
2018年3月6日 · In the last 50 years, there have been many amps that have impressed me, and there have been many regrets, selling off amps, guitars, gear in general. This all changed for me when I bought my 2012 Dr. Z Maz18R 112 combo. Many of the amps that I owned did several things well, in fact quite impressive, for the type of music I was playing at the time.
Mesa California Tweed or Dr. Z Z-Lux? - The Gear Page
2020年4月14日 · With that being said, both amps (on paper) are fairly similar. Both 4x 6V6 power sections with solid-state rectification, both are master volume amps. The Mesa California Tweed has an FX loop, whereas the Dr. Z Z-Lux does not. The Dr. Z Z-Lux has tremolo, whereas the Mesa California Tweed does not.
Dr. Z Amplification - The Gear Page
2007年6月26日 · Let's see some Dr. Z love. I have a Route 66 and a Maz38Sr w/'verb. Who else on this board is into Dr. Z products? I recently consolidated my pedalboard to give a cleaner path from my guitar to my heads. I like hearing my heads soooo much more now with the shortened effects chain. Man, I knew they were powerful before but now they are insanely ...
Dr Z Route 66 GAS - The Gear Page
2012年2月20日 · Dear All, Have a terrible case of GAS for a Drz Route 66. Have always lusted after Beano tone but most seem to think that this is very difficult to achieve without all the added studio bits! Love the way a head can be paired with different speakers to change it rather than a combo. Tonal...
Question about Dr. Z amps - The Gear Page
2009年7月21日 · I only first heard about Dr. Z amps a couple of months ago. I'm wondering... When did they first become popular? I worked at GC from 2002-2006 and I never even heard a single person, employee or customer mention them. Now I read about them online constantly. Can I assume they are a newer brand...
Dr. Z - "Official" Kemper Profiles | Page 3 - The Gear Page
2017年6月21日 · Just spent the last 1/2 hour with the Dr. Z profiles, and am as impressed as with any profiles I've bought. These profiles are mostly medium to low gain, and are in the sweet spot of what I want to hear. Two immediate standouts are Route 66 2 (super sweet warm sustain), and Z Wreck 3 (has the...
Dr. Z amps !! Good or Bad, what do you think about them?
2007年2月23日 · I guess this thread, like most others on this forum, goes to prove how subjective tone is and how much everyone should always keep that in mind. Other then some basic and generic guidelines as to what constitutes and defines good tone, it's all subjective. Well said.